
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – I like fruits! (19-22 July)

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

I hope everyone enjoyed your long weekend! We have had another exciting week here in Rainbow class. We had a lot of fun playing together both inside and outside. We also did a special body paint craft!


Crafts (Body paint)

For this week’s craft we made a print using our bodies! We had a few different colors of paint prepared when the kids came in to the room. Each child got to decide what color they wanted their different body parts to be. After the teacher had finished painting their bodies, they laid down on the paper on the ground. This created a wonderful print of their bodies! Everyone had so much fun getting painted, and watching their friends getting painted too! Please take a look at the wonderful prints below!

今週のクラフトは人拓です。数色の絵の具から色を選んでもらいローラーで体に塗っていきました。そして模造紙にダイブして寝そべって人拓を取りました。とっても小さいレインボーさんですが、body printをまじまじと見てみると、こんなに背が大きくなったのだなと成長を感じました。この後はすぐにボディソープで洗い、模造紙に絵の具で色を塗って遊びました。


Unfortunately, the weather has not been suitable for pool and water play this week. However, that hasn’t stopped us from enjoying the weather outside. The kids love playing in the sandpit when we go outside. They have wonderful imaginations, and will make many different things in the sand!


I like fruits!

We have been having a lot of fun learning about fruits this month. I’m amazed at how many names they can already remember! We haven’t only been learning fruit names, but also practicing the phrase “I like ____”. This week we did a simple worksheet together where the students had to sort out the fruits in to the fruits they like and the ones they don’t like. Please try giving your child a chance to use this phrase at home too! Give them a choice of different things and ask them to answer with the phrase “I like __”. For example: “What fruits to you like? What color do you like?”. “I like apple. I like green.”.

今月はフルーツについて学んでいました。びっくりすることに、レインボーさんは気がつくとたくさんのフルーツの名前を覚えていました。そして同時に“I like _____“ というフレーズも覚え始めています。今週は好きなフルーツと嫌いなフルーツをそれぞれグループ分けしました。もしよかったらお家でもこのフレーズを使ってみてくださいね❤️

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

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