
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Summer time fun (25-29 July)

Hello everyone!

We began our summer program, and welcomed a new friend that stayed with us this week. Thank you for joining our class! We had a lot of fun together! We spent a lot of time enjoying the nice weather outside this week. With multiple chances to use the pool! We also made a paper pineapple as part of summer crafts!


Water play!

As mentioned earlier, we have been lucky enough to play in the pool this week. The kids always have a lot of fun walking around the pool and playing with the water toys. We also played outside with water when the weather was not quite hot enough to use the pool.


Pineapple crafts

We used some heart shaped foam to stamp down on the pineapple shaped piece of paper. We traced our hands to make the pineapple crown. The kids did a good job holding their hands steady when we traced it, and tamped the paper nicely without making a mess. Good job everyone!

今週はクラフトの時間にパイナップルを作りました。パイナップル型の紙に、ハート型の緩衝材を使って模様をつけていきました。上手に紙をおさえてスタンプしていました。パイナップルの葉っぱの部分は手のひらを型取って作りました。Good job everyone!

Birthday party!

We had our first birthday in Rainbow this month! To celebrate this special day, we had a fun birthday party for our birthday girl. We gave her a birthday card, sang happy birthday, and finished with a yummy birthday cake!

レインボーさんでは初めてのbirthday girlが6月にいました。そしてみんなでお誕生日会を開きました!お誕生日カードを渡して、happy birthdayを歌って、美味しいケーキを食べました😆

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

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