
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way & G1 – Food Glorious Food!

This week we went on an awesome field trip! We learned about how food grows and how to harvest it. It was fascinating and so much fun.

今週は最高のフィールドトリップへ行きました😁 野菜がどのように成長するかそして、収穫するか学びました🥬とても魅力的で楽しかったです。

We have welcomed new students to our class. Thanks to our UOI from Unit one. They fit into our family so easily and it is great to make new friends!


After the break, we started up our Gym and Swimming classes. It was surprising how great everyone is getting. Their progress is truly amazing.


For our healthy eating UOI we learned how important it is to move our bodies in order to keep fit and healthy. There are so many benefits. Please ask us at home about some of the benefits we learned.

UOIのレッスンでは健康管理と健康を維持するための健康的な食事と体を動かす事がいかに重要であるかを学びました😎 ぜひ、お子さんへ尋ねてみてください✨

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Milky Way & G1 – Food Glorious Food!