
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way & G1 Short But Sweet Week! 20th – 22nd September

Although we had a short week this week we learned a lot of new skills and gained confidence in becoming more independent! Creating Art from our own inspiration.


We also had a special experience when we joined our Shooting Star class and they turned our library into a museum! We could learn all about insects and joined a special workshop with Ms. Rose.

特別イベントがありました。Shooting Starのクラスみんなが図書館を昆虫博物館にしてくれました✨Ms. Roseの特別ワークショップとShooting Starの友達から昆虫について沢山学びました🧐

We also so another special guest this week! Mr. Noah came and taught us Chinese for our Language Art class. It was so fun and we learned the similarities the language has with Japanese.

スペシャルなイベントはもう1つありました❣Language ArtクラスでMr.Noahが中国語を教えてくれました。日本語と似ている漢字を見て、色んな発見をしましたね😉✨

Our Gym class is becoming more exciting in the last few weeks. We are learning more skills and strengthening our bodies through interesting and fun movements. As always we worked together in a team to help support each other in these new challenges.


Even though the week was short in was fun packed with unique and interesting experiences. What a great week we had!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Nagano Milky Way & G1 Short But Sweet Week! 20th – 22nd September