
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Making scary ghosts! (11-14 October) 

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

It has been another spooky week here in our Rainbow class. We continued with Halloween crafts, had fun playing outside and had an exciting gym lesson.

今週のレインボーさんはとっても不気味”spooky” な1週間になりました。ハロウィン用の製作を楽しみ、園庭で遊び、ジムレッスンにも行きました!

Spooky ghost crafts

We made some spooky ghost using our footprints to continue with our Halloween crafts. The kids took turns getting their foot painted white in order to make their scary footprint. After the paint dried, they used their finger to make the eyes and mouth of the ghost.


Gym lesson

We did some more fun team exercise in our gym lesson this week. After doing our warm up stretches, the kids paired up for the new exercises. In one of the exercises, they held hands while pulling each other back and forth while sitting down facing each other.


Outside play

It’s getting cooler outside, which means the weather is perfect to cool us down as we run around and play outside! We also had fun playing making lots of ice cream in the sandpit together.


Halloween songs

With the Halloween season upon us we have begun singing some Halloween songs together. Rainbow has a lot of fun singing these two songs at school, so please have fun together at home too!


Thank you for reading, and see you again next week! それではまた来週!

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