
Nagano Preschool


Nagano MW/G1 – Happy Halloween! – 24th – 28th October

What a fun week we had this week. We continued to explore Japanese culture and added to our wonder wall. Let’s see what we can plan from next week…

今週も楽しい1週間でした💕UOIのレッスンでは、日本の文化について探究を続け、wonder wallの作成をしました🧐💭

We also looked into some other cultures. The class decided it was interested in Canada. We learned that Canada is famous for Ice Hockey. This is something that we didn’t know anything about. Mr. Dan used to play Ice Hockey in Junior High School and so he told us all about it. We played “Air” Hockey for free play this week. It has become our new favorite game to play together!

他の国の文化についても少し触れました✨そして、クラスのお友達で話し合いカナダに焦点を当てました。カナダはアイスホッケーが有名ですね🥅🏒 アイスホッケーって何?聞いた事ないよ。と声があがりました。Mr. Danが中学生の時にプレイした経験があり、色々と教えてくれました😄クラスのフリープレーの時間はエアホッケーで遊ぶお友達の姿を見かけるようになりました😉

This week was mainly Halloween Week. We spent most of our time getting ready for our Halloween Party! It was fun creating decorations and choosing fun songs ready for the Party!


The Halloween Party was so much fun! We had fun Halloween dancing, a fashion show, we made a Sugar Skulls, Smashed a piñata and ended with Trick-or-treat! It was such a fun event!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Nagano MW/G1 – Happy Halloween! – 24th – 28th October