
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Growing up! (7-11 November) 

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

It has been another fun week in our active Rainbow class! We had fun playing at the park, make some nice acorn handprints and had an exciting gym lesson.



Winter is rapidly closing in, so we have been really enjoying the park while we can! We fall leaves are both pretty and super fun to play with! It’s also great to see that the kids are able to use the English we are learning in natural ways. On the way to the park, multiple students have started saying “I can see the park!” when they can see it. Well done, Rainbow! I also have some pictures from our trip to the park last week!

冬がもうすぐそこまで来ているので、なるべく公園で遊ぶ時間をつくっています。落ち葉は見ていてもきれいで、遊んでもとっても楽しいです。落ち葉の上で寝っ転がったり、歩くときに聞こえるシャカシャカ音で自然を感じています。公園に向かう中で自然と新しい英語の表現の仕方を身につけていっています。”I can see the park!” 公園が見えてくるとこんな声が聞こえてきます😆 写真は先週撮影したものです。

Acorn handprints

One of the most of the first things that comes to mind when we think of autumn, is the acorn! So, we used our hands to make our own acorns.  


Gym lesson

We had a lot of fun moving our bodies in our gym lesson. We stretched our bodies, crawled through hoops, and had to roll over a small hill on the mat! The kids are very good at keeping themselves hydrated, and take many small drink breaks throughout the lesson.


Thank you for reading, and see you again next week! それではまた来週!

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