
Nagano Preschool


Aurora Nagano: Christmas Month!

We have now officially welcomed the festive season of the year, December! For our Christmas theme, we made our very own ornaments this week. Each kid received a pinecone that our parent gave to us, we decorated with our favorite color strings and cotton balls, and color with crayons. Ta-da! After we finished the design, we hang them out on the Christmas tree at our school entrance. Christmas month have arrived!
今週、いよいよ12月に入りましたね。クリスマス🎄をテーマに、今週はオーナメントを作りました。 大小の大きさや形の異なる松ぼっくりの中から自分の好きな松ぼっくりを選び、子供たちはそれぞれ好きな色で塗り、好きな色の毛糸で松ぼっくりを飾りました。 タダ✨デザインが完成🎄

For the Christmas show updates, we have made a huge sized Mitten by using the cardboard. We colored the huge mitten with our favorite group colors. We cooperated with each other in the group and we gradually seeing our mitten becoming more colorful. Wonderful job Aurora! Now we are ready to present this mitten in our show!
クリスマスショーのオーロラの劇中に使用する大道具をみんなで作りました。それは…🧤このお話のキーになる「ミトン」です✨段ボールを使って巨大なサイズのミトンを作りました。 でっかいミトンをみんなで好きなグループカラーでぬりました。 グループで協力し合い、ミトンが少しずつカラフルになっていきました。 やったね✨オーロラさん! これで、ショーのミトンがほぼ完成!仕上げはまた来週🤩

We had a very special schedule this week, which is the puppet show! One of our evening teachers is the professional in the show. She invited her team and performed an eye-opening show to our kids. The kids were moved by the show and got very excited over it. The name of the show is “3 pigs and the bad wolf”, a very famous fairy tale for children. Thank you very much for coming over!

It is December and we had a surprise birthday party for our teacher in Aurora! The parents and kids prepared the gifts in advance and presented to our teacher this week. The teacher liked beetle very much, so our kids made beetle gifts specially just for him. Thank you to all the parents and kids for your help to make this surprise a success! We are so blessed to have you teaching us! Aurora Teacher!
今週、先生のお誕生日に子どもたちとおうちの方からサプライズプレゼントがありました。 先生はカブトムがとても好きなので、子どもたちは、先生のためにとってもかっこいい手作りのカブトムシを作成してプレゼントしてくれました🤩とってもかっこいい世界に一匹だけのカブトムシたちの贈り物に、先生は大喜びで、「こんなにかっこいいカブトムシを見たことがない🤩」と嬉しそうです。 こんな素敵なサプライズプレゼントをしていただいたおうちのみなさまと子どもたちにとても感謝しています! 素晴らしい心のこもった贈り物をありがとうございました✨

Here is one of the activities we did in the morning circle, Morning exercise on the song “Pinocchio”.

Regarding the Christmas show, Aurora kids will also be taking part in singing the opening and closing song on that day. Although we sing them almost every day at school, please do practice at home whenever is possible so our kids can get more confident in singing the songs.

Opening song: “O Christmas tree”

Closing song: “Jingle Bell Rock”

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