
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star: Fun with Water! (July 10th-14th)

We have started a new unit in UOI. It’s Sharing the Planet with the central idea of “How Plants Grow”. This week we had a brainstorming what plants are and how they grow. We had a lot of ideas and here they are:
UOIでは、新しいユニットが始まりました。テーマは   「地球の共有」で、「植物はどのように成長するのか」という事を中心に学びます。今週は、植物について知っていることを、皆で伝え合いながら、ブレインストーミングをしました。「植物は呼吸をしている」、また、「植物が育つには、種や水が必要」、そして、「植物の近くには、青虫などの生き物がいる」等とても大切な意見がありました。

We also asked our I Wonder questions about this unit. We are aiming to answer these questions before the end of Unit 2.
また、Unit2を学びはじめる前に、植物について一人ひとりの素朴な疑問も聞き取り、その質問を、”I Wonder”の壁に貼りました。これから、それらの質問の答えを探究していきます。

At the end of the week, we watched a Youtube video that discussed what a plant is. We saw different kinds of plants in different places in the world. Next week we are going to learn more about plants.

Water Play!

We had fun playing outside with water. It was the first time this week. We are looking forward to playing more next week!


Our first and second stations were coloring a rose and a sunflower by numbers. The third station was buttoning and buttoning, and the fourth was reading books about trees, rainforests, and insects.

Have a great weekend!

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