
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way: Halloween week

It was Halloween week, and we made our pinata together in the class with our teamwork and creativity. For each time we made the pinata, we reflected on how we can make it better and Milky Way kids eventually made their best pinata for the Halloween! Thank you for joining the Halloween party! We were amazed by all of your wonderful costumes!
今週はハロウィンウィークでした。皆で力をあわせて、Milky Wayクラスのピニャータを作りました。ハロウィンパーティでは、無事にピニャータを割り、皆で楽しむことができました。ハロウィンパーティでは、様々な素敵なコスチュームを身にまとい、ご参加頂き本当にありがとうございました。お子様と一緒に楽しい時間を過ごして頂けていたら嬉しいです。

We got the chance to learn more dance moves during our dance lesson this week! The kids did their best in the lesson and didn’t give up at all, check out the video below. Keep it up Milky Way!

We also had the chance to play dodgeball at the park this week just to warm ourselves up and prepare for the day. Besides that, we also practiced our dance moves for the Christmas show!

For Christmas show update, we had the discussion and made most of the script as a class together. We will be practicing our show at school and home every day until the day of the event. The homeroom teacher will be sending the script to parents soon so that you can practice at home as well. Thank you in advance!

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