
Nagano Preschool


Shooting Star Begin 2024!

After a good long vacation to welcome the New Year, Shooting Stars returned to school to tell about many adventures with family and friends, and to get ready in just three months to move up to Milky way!

Relaxing at recess after lunch.

A little exercise INDOORS while we wait for everyone to bring their snowsuits…

Creating with friends

Learning teamwork with our new groups…one



four! Color only ONE block, then pass it clockwise to the next friend and say, “Here you are!”

Finally, a chance to play in the snow before it all melts, or before the NEXT big snow!

Birthday party

We celebrated our December birthday with friends last month! He got a nice card from the teachers, and we played some fun party games together.
12月のお誕生日会の写真ですが、先月のブログに載せられませんでした。12月生まれのお子様、おめでとうございます!11月は、皆で集まりパーティができなかったため、11月のお友達に最初に前に出て来てもらい、皆で歌を歌ってお祝いしました。スクールのパーティでは、”Who I am?”のゲームをして盛り上がりました! それでは、皆様、良い週末をお迎えください。

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