
Nagano Preschool


ANOTHER Short-but-Busy Week for Nagano Shooting Stars

This week started out with PLENTY of excitement on Monday! We went outside right away in the morning to get some fresh air and exercise to clear our minds for a SOLO Show & Tell performance by each student for a family member who came to watch. Everyone did a fine job in meeting the challenge to GREET the listeners, TELL about what you brought, SHOW it so everyone can see it, then ask for and answer several QUESTIONS all within about 3 minutes.
先週のはじめには、School Open Dayがありました。皆がいつも楽しみにしているShow&Tellを見て頂きました。いつも通り発表を行うお子さんもいれば、いつもより緊張している様子のお子さんも見られましたが、皆の前でShow&Tellを行っている姿が、かっこ良く、時間を意識して発表を行うことができたと思います。お忙しい中お越し頂き、ありがとうございました!

Tuesday was a regular day of dancing, singing, studying and play, and ALSO getting ready for a Wednesday Big Day: our bus trip to White Ring to watch professional basketball players practice and work out, meet them and look WAY up to be sure we made eye-contact while talking with them, and to learn more about what they do and how THEY help our community.

When we arrived at White Ring, we were welcomed by the team manager, and by the 2-meter daddy of one of our students who helps the team after recently retiring as a professional player himself. We went right up to the best seats to watch the team practice and to notice how the ball was moved, how the game is played, and what kinds of skills the players need.

We enjoyed our lunches from home at an indoor “picnic” by a big window, then we got to ask the questions we had prepared to learn even MORE. After that, a nice long walking tour of White Ring, including the training room where players were lifting weights and getting massages and other therapy which gave us a chance to meet even MORE of the players close-up, and everyone got a souvenir towel and a HIGH-five as well!
席から、練習の様子を見学した後は、選手の方たちと実際に会話をする機会もありました。その際は、ものすごい身長差でしたが、言葉の壁はなく、笑顔で接する子どもたちの姿がありました。選手の方々は、とても優しく接してくださり、素敵な時間を過ごすことができました。美味しいお弁当を食べた後は、バスケットボール選手の職業について、より知ることができるように考えてきた質問を聞きました。”Why are you tall?”, “Why do you like playing basketball?”等の質問を、1つ1つ丁寧に答えてくださり、食べることがとても大切な事や、1人ではバスケットボールができない、だからこそ、日々、仲間や支えてくれる人たちに感謝をする気持ちを持つ事やチームワークの大切さなどを教えて頂きました。

Back to school for a QUICK snack Wednesday. We had another quick snack time after the Thursday party for February birthdays, and the week was already over! Despite the extra Leap Year day, February will be over next week, and we’ll begin our LAST month as Shooting Stars as we get ready to move to Milky Way in April.

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