
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star – Working together! (May 20th-24th)

Hello everyone!

It has been another exciting week in the Shooting Star class. We started learning about teamwork in our UOI, had fun swimming, and continued learning CVC and lowercase letters.

Shooting Star クラスでは、刺激的な一週間となりました。私たちは UOI でチームワークについて学び始め、スイミングでは楽しく泳ぎ、CVC と小文字の学習を続けました。

UOI (Making friends)

After discussing how to handle conflict and the five-finger rule, we moved on to the topic of teamwork this week. As always, we began by discussing what teamwork means. Some of the students were already familiar with the concept and could even tell why it’s important. After the discussion, we watched a fun music video about teamwork. You can take a look at it here.


We then went outside to apply what we had learned. The students had to walk together inside a hula hoop, and they had to work together to navigate around a cone. This activity required them to be considerate of their friends and communicate effectively. 


For the next challenge, they had to walk inside the hoop and also move a ball along the same path. All the teams did a fantastic job and completed the task together. 


Great teamwork, everyone!


CVC (Word family AT and AN

This week, we have continued learning CVC words by focusing on the word families AT and AN. We read a book called “The Cat on a Mat” together, and the kids highlighted all the CVC words they could find.  Please take a look at the videos below at home to reinforce what they have been learning at school. 

今週も、AT と AN に焦点を当てて CVC 単語の学習を続けました。私たちは「マットの上の猫」という本を一緒に読み、子供たちは見つけられたすべての CVC 単語にマークを付けました。 学校で学んだ内容を強化するために、ご家庭でも以下のビデオをご覧ください。

Sight words (Jump out words)

We are also singing and dancing to the song “Jump Out Words,” This song teaches the kids sight words. Sight words are commonly used words that young readers are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight, rather than sounding them out.

また、「Jump Out Words」という曲に合わせて歌ったり踊ったりしています。この曲は子供たちに視覚的な言葉を教えます。サイトワード(視覚的な単語)は一般的に使用される単語でありフォニックスの規則では読めない例外的な発音がほとんどです。子供たちは、頭で理解するのではなく、全体を視覚的に覚えることが推奨されます。


It’s always a blast playing at the park together!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Shooting Star / Nagano Shooting Star – Working together! (May 20th-24th)