
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow ~ Exploring under the sea (June 3rd-7th)

Hello everyone!


We ran around, played hide-and-seek, we hid in the small tree. Other friends were risk takers to pass through the net rope, which was hard for us to balance our bodies. We had fun looking for some species and ants; we found huge groups of black ants.  And one of our favorites was a hide and seek! It’s always so much fun playing hide and seek. Our little voices echoing around the park were fabulous. We could wait for our turn outside the red bar to do the swing! Excellent job!

私たちは走り回ったり、かくれんぼをしたり、小さな木に隠れたりしました。リスクを恐れない子どもたちはバランスをとるのが難しい網のロープくぐり抜けていました。私たちは黒アリの大群を見つけました。 そして、子どもたちのお気に入りのひとつはかくれんぼでした!かくれんぼはいつもとても楽しいです。公園中に響き渡る子どもたちの小さな声は最高でした。赤いバーの外でブランコの順番を待つこともできました!本当に素晴らしかったです!


We started by playing catching tails, which is everyone’s favorite. We had the boy’s team versus the girl’s team. Three friends had a tail and would run as long as possible to protect the tail, and the others would run after them to get it. We are getting stronger, the protectors and the ones who would get the tail. We competed excellently. Next, we jumped over the piled cone to the stepping stones. Lastly, we had fun passing through the tunnel. Sometimes, we stopped in the middle for a while out of curiosity and continued going when the teacher said to keep going and touch the bell when done.



First, we usually greet each other and review what we did last week. This week, the teacher teaches us how to use the bell and when to stop. We try to ring the bell along with the music in three different tones: high tone, middle tone, and low tone. With the high tone, we rang the bell high above the head. With the middle tone, we rang the bell in our tummy; with the low tone, we rang the bell below the knee.


Sea animals

We colored our chosen sea animal pictures. Sea creatures offer a world of imagination and creativity to explore. Each stroke of our crayon will bring these enchanting creatures to life, creating your own underwater masterpiece. Our imagination of how we wanted our creatures to be was fantastic, and the color we wanted for our sea animal.


Enjoy our song for this month!


Thank you for visiting our blog, see you again next week.


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow ~ Exploring under the sea (June 3rd-7th)