
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow ~ Following in Daddy’s Footprints (June 10th-14th)

Hello everyone! It’s suddenly getting hotter this week, so please be cautious and make sure to hydrate yourself.


Gym lesson

It was too hot during our gym lesson this week, but we still did it in the playground. First, we sprinkled water in the playground to make it slightly cooler before we started. We enjoyed it so much when we held the string together, walking around to make an excellent train formation.  It was too hot, so we drank water frequently. All of our faces became red because of the bright sunlight. We moved the cones to the matched color ring obstacle. Only a few of us got it correctly; some were overwhelmed and didn’t listen to the teacher’s words.

今週のジムレッスンはとても暑かったですが、それでも外で行いました。まず、プレイグラウンドに水を撒いて少し涼しくしてからスタート。ヒモをつないで歩くと、見事な汽車の形になり、とても楽しかったです。 あまりに暑いので、こまめに水を飲みました。日差しが眩しくて、みんな顔が真っ赤になりました。コーンを動かして、同じ色のリングの中に入れに行きました。何人かのお友だちは上手にできましたが、先生の言っていることが少し難しかったようで、混乱している子もいました。


Music lesson

For our music lesson this week, we copied the moves of the rabbit-like we did last week, together with the music. The teacher showed us corn-shaped maracas; most of us thought it was real corn, and they wanted to eat it (laugh). The Teacher told us to walk like robots, together with the sound of scratching corn with the stick. It was crazy, super fun. We all love it!


Park/Play Outside

We ran around and hid in the small tree. Other friends were risk takers to pass through the net rope, which was always hard for us. We were looking for some species and also ants.  And one of our favorites was a hide and seek! It’s always so much fun playing hide and seek. Our little voices echoing around the park were fabulous. We could wait for our turn outside the red bar to do the swing! Excellent job! We had so much fun playing in the playground; the teacher showered us with water, and we loved it. It also helped us get a little cooler from the bright sunlight’s heat.

私たちは走り回り、小さな木に隠れました。他の友だちは網のロープをくぐりに挑戦しました。私たちはいくつかの種やアリを探しました。 そして私たちのお気に入りのひとつは、かくれんぼです!かくれんぼはいつもとても楽しい。公園中に響き渡る子どもたちの小さな声は最高でした。赤いバーの外でブランコの順番を待つこともできました!よくやれたね。 遊具で遊ぶのはとても楽しかったです。先生が私たちに水をかけてくれました。また、明るい日差しの暑さから少し涼むこともできました。


We made special Footprints for our beloved Dad to show our deep appreciation for everything they’ve done for us and how much we love them unconditionally.


Thank you so much for visiting our blog, see you next week.

Have a great weekend!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow ~ Following in Daddy’s Footprints (June 10th-14th)