
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way: Connecting our body and mind (June 17th-21st)


We had our first meditation activity this year with the Elementary class. They taught us to relax, switch off our bodies, and focus on our goals. We care for our well-being and find ways to achieve our goals. At the end of the meditation, we learned a new expression for greeting and honoring someone– Namaste.

ナマステ… 今年、小学生クラスで初めての瞑想活動を行いました。リラックスして、体をリラックスさせ、目標に集中することを学びました。私たちは健康に気を配り、目標を達成する方法を見つけます。瞑想の最後に、誰かに挨拶して敬意を表す新しい表現、ナマステを学びました。

What our body needs

We talked about our first basic need which is food. We need healthy foods to live. We talked with our team about which foods are good and bad for our bodies.



We read our book in front of our classmates. Prior to that, we talked about our success criteria. The success criteria are: Did we read the words clearly? Did we read it loudly? Were we confident in reading the book? It challenged us to do our best.



Now, we have a new song to play. It’s called “Musunde Hiraite”. We practiced playing the first two measures. It was easy!

さて、新しい曲を演奏します。「むすんでひらいて」という曲です。最初の 2 小節を練習しました。簡単でした!

June Birthday Party

We celebrated our friends’ birthdays today. It was fun celebrating it with our friends from other classes too.


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