Hello everyone!
The weather is getting warmer, so we have been spending time outside to cool down with water play. As part of our UOI, we have also discussed pollution and the consequences of our actions, such as littering. This was our last week before we welcome more friends to join us for summer school next week.
暖かくなってきたので、私たちは水遊びをして涼むために外で過ごしました。また、UOI の一環として、汚染や、ごみを捨てるなどの行動の結果についても話し合いました。来週はサマースクールにもっと多くの友達が参加する前の最後の週でした。
Water balloons
We added some excitement to our water play this week by introducing water balloons. Some of our friends smashed their balloons right away, while others tried to take care of their precious balloons. Regardless of how they chose to play, everyone had a great time!
Some friends from the Milky Way class came and showed us how to make an origami fortune teller. It’s nice to see how well our students are able to learn and work together with the older classes.