
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Exploring more Feelings! (October 15th-18th) 

Hello Everyone! 

This 4 day school week was packed, from School Open Day, Halloween Piñata making, Treat or treat bag making, our weekly music class to Show & Tell and lots more. It was a busy but fun week. 

この4日間のスクールウィークは、スクールオープンデー、ハロウィン・ピニャータ作り、Treat or treat bag作り、毎週の音楽クラス、Show & Tellと盛りだくさん。忙しくも楽しい一週間でした。


Our UOI this week was about feelings and facial expressions. I told the kids a story and I ask them how would they feel based on the story and they would show me the feeling using their faces. Everyone looked cute and funny as they try to make the different facial expressions. It was fun to see the kids act out the feeling. Now they can identify and name more feelings by looking at different facial expressions, which helps them express themselves more. 


Show & Tell 

To best express ourselves and our feelings we did Show and Tell. Kids brought a toy from home to show everyone. We had some Q&A to encourage them to articulate, express themselves and their feelings about their toy or book. Everyone was so eager to share what they brought and we all had a blast.

自分自身や自分の気持ちを最大限に表現するために、私たちはShow and Tellを行いました。みんなはお家からおもちゃを持ってきて、お互いに見せました。それぞれのおもちゃや本について自分の気持ちを表現できるように、質疑応答をしました。みんな、自分の持ってきたものを共有したくてたまらない様子で、大いに盛り上がりました。

Halloween Prep

Halloween is coming soon. So the class got busy with making things we will need for the upcoming Halloween Party. We finally finished our Trick or Treat Bag and the base of our Halloween Piñata. We made a Zombie piñata, the kids helped out in pasting cutout newspapers and they cut green tissue paper, we will use it to cover the piñata. At class we learned what a piñata is and everyone is asking me what sort of things will we put inside the piñata…I told them its a secret, a surprise for now so they have to just wait til Halloween. So, Yeah! everyones getting more excited. 


Finally, We would like to thank the parents who came for the School Open Day. We appreciate everyone who took time out of their busy schedules and join us that day. Your presence and attendance gave the kids confidence to do their best and show you guys what they are able to do at class. Some got shy and nervous but its ok, at some point they recovered and joined in the fun. Most of the kids are more engaged in the classroom activities now and they are less clingy whenever mom and or dad visits the school which shows that they’ve grown and they’re a little more independent now.  Moreover, we want to express our gratitude to everyone for joining in the PT meeting it was very interesting and informative. Sharing some stories, experiences and being open helps us become more aware and have good connections. Listening to others and asking questions broadens our perspective and we learn new things. Please feel free to let us know if theres any topic you want to talk about or if you have any suggestions and if you want to share something on our next PT meetings. We would love to hear and learn from you guys too. We are looking forward to it.

最後になりましたが、スクールオープンにお越しくださった保護者の皆様ありがとうございました。ご多忙の中ご来園くださり本当にありがとうございました。保護者の皆様のご来園は、子供たちがベストを尽くし、クラスでどんなことができるかを皆さんにお見せするという自信を与えてくれました。恥ずかしがったり、緊張したりする子もいましたが、大丈夫です。ほとんどの子供たちは、教室での活動に積極的に参加するようになり、お母さんやお父さんが学校を訪ねても、くっついて離れないということは少なくなりました。これは、子供たちが成長し、少し自立したことを示しています。 そして、PTミーティングのご参加もありがとうございました。体験談や経験を分かち合い、オープンになることは、私たちの意識を高め、良好な関係を持つことにつながります。他の人の話を聞いたり、質問をしたりすることで、視野が広がり、新しいことを学ぶことができます。次回のPTミーティングでも、何か話したいトピックやご提案があれば、遠慮なくお知らせください。私たちも皆さんの意見を聞き、学びたいと思っています。楽しみにしています。

Once again, Thank you. 

Have an awesome weekend. 

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Nagano Aurora – Exploring more Feelings! (October 15th-18th)