
Nagano Preschool


Aurora Nagano: Our Environment matters!

This week we discussed and learned about our environment and the importance for us to protect for animals’ habitats. To begin, we started to ask the kids ”What do you see?” while looking at the different pictures of good and polluted environments. The kids could point out that one is well-preserved, and another is surrounded with trashes. We then asked ”How do you feel?” and we threw some trashes in the classroom and they would feel realistic about the polluted place. They told us that it was sad, angry and other negative thoughts when they see the polluted environment. Lastly, we asked ”What can we do?” and they told us many solutions such as do not litter, not wasting tissues papers, don’t cut the tree, plant the trees and etc. The kids showed great interest in the learning and eager to help to look for solutions. We will be learning more in depth in the next lesson!

We also had music lesson this week. The lesson was learning to response to the music, we listened to the music played by the teacher and pick the colors. We also learned to play the hand bell and play according to the beats.

We had some new exciting moments at the gym this week too, with the new and more challenging activities. We missed gym a lot! Let’s have fun again!
今週は、ジムレッスンがありました。マット運動を中心に体の反りからよつんばい走り、両手両足を伸ばし横になり、さつまいもさんのようにごろごろとマットの上を転がったり、今週も跳ぶ、走る、投げる、つかむ、転がるなどのさまざまな動きを行いました。Good job!Aurora🤩

Our monthly song for September is “This Friendly world”, a wonderful song reminds us that living in this world is a blessing.
今月の歌は、「This Friendly World」です。この世界に生きる事の恵みを思い出させてくれる素晴らしい歌です。ぜひ、おうちでも聞いてみてくださいね🤩🎵


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