
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star: Thank You and Goodbye! Mar. 13th-17th

We said thank you and goodbye to our P.E. teacher. It was fun having lessons with you, Teacher. We will miss you and see you around!
今週、最後のジムレッスンがあり、今までの感謝の気持ちを込めてジムの先生にお手紙を渡しました😊”We will miss you””たくさん手伝ってくれてありがとう””楽しかった”とみんなのサプライズにジムの先生もビックリ‼最後は笑顔でみんなで記念撮影をして最後のレッスンを終了しました🎶またいつかどこかで会えるのを楽しみにしています🥰

We also said thank you, goodbye, see you around to Milky Way. It was their graduation so the day before their graduation, we visited them in their classroom and surprised them with a song, leis or necklaces, and thank you cards. Though most of them are staying, we said our thanks to them for playing and being nice to us. Congratulations Milky Way!
Milky Wayのお友達の卒園です!卒園式の前日、クラスに行き今までの感謝の気持ちを込めてSSのお友達が歌、お手紙、花輪をMilky Wayのお友達にプレゼントしました✨
”一緒に遊んでくれてありがとう””親切にしてくれてありがとう”のメッセージと共にお手紙を渡しました🎶Milky Wayのみんなご卒園おめでとうございます💐

We also visited Aurora’s exhibit of their kinds of transportation dioramas. Their dioramas were all cool! We were asked to guess what kind of transportation they were and were able to guess almost all of them! After that, we talked about the kinds of transportation that we like or we would like to try in the future. Thank you Aurora for inviting us!

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