
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star: Weighing in our Theory (July 3rd-7th)

We strive to be thinkers. This week, we learned that being thinkers can solve our problems and prove something. In our morning circle, our teacher played the ukulele and we thought about the difference between a guitar and a ukulele. We thought that guitars were bigger and heavier than ukuleles, but how can we prove it? With that question, our teacher asked us to think and answer this question, which one is heavier a kilo of cotton or a kilo of rocks? How can we know that something is heavier than the other? We use a weighing scale! A few of us thought that the rocks are heavier than the cotton, but it came out that none was heavier! How? Because they were both a kilo in weight.

With that in mind, we made our weighing scale using available materials like a hanger, a string, and cups. We weighed different objects like toys, ukulele, etc. We proved that heavier objects make the hanger go down just like when we play at a seesaw. We also proved that the two strings should be the same length and the cups should be the same size and weight. What an amazing discovery we had!

For UOI, we finished our My Family mini-book and did a Show and Tell. We were happy to show our own book to the class.
UOIですが、一人ひとりのMy Family mini-bookを完成させました!Show and Tellでは、皆自分の家族について嬉しそうに話していました。「どうして、君のお母さん、そんなに可愛いの?」など友達の発表をきき、質問も飛び交う楽しい時間となりました。

We went to the gym last Tuesday and did some routine with our teachers.

To end our week, our teacher read us a story about the Star Festival titled “Tanabata Seven”. Now we know the story behind it and why we celebrate it. Tonight, we want to look up the sky and wish to see the two star-crossed lovers, Princess Orihime and Hikoboshi, meeting in Milky Way.
7月7日は、七夕の日。先生が、”Tanabata Seven”という日本語の絵本を英語で読みました。織姫と彦星が1年に一回会うことができる七夕の日は、晴れて無事に空の上で会えるといいですね。みんなが短冊に書いたお願い事が叶いますように☆

Happy Weekend!

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