
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way: Our environment matter

We toured around the school areas and observed what do we have in our environment. We identified the man made and natural things and discussed on their function. This helped us to understand the importance of them and why should we protect them.
私達の環境について 今週は、Schoolの周りを散策し、私達の身近な環境には、何があるのかを観察しました。どれが人口でできたもので、どれが自然のものなのか、それらの役割について話し合いをしました。観察し、話し合うことで、「環境を守ることの大切さ」や「なぜ環境を守らなくてはいけないか」などを知る手がかりになり、わかることにつながっていきます。

The sports festival is around the corner, our class made some colorful dinosaur eggs for the decorations.

We have learned the blending sound of “fr” this week, here is the video about the sound and please watch and practice with your kids.

These are the videos for phonics revision.

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