
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – The road to Christmas begins! (November 27th – December 1st)

Hello everyone!
We had another exciting week in Aurora. All the kids are doing their best practicing for the Christmas show. They also had fun playing at the park in the chilly weather, and we got some special guests at the end of the week.


オーロラではまた刺激的な一週間を過ごしました。 子どもたちはクリスマス公演に向けて頑張って練習しています。 彼らは肌寒い天気の中、公園で楽しく遊びました。週末には特別なゲストも来ました。


Despite the chilly weather, they were full of energy, running around, climbing on the equipment, and exploring their surroundings. Seeing them having fun and staying active is always great, especially during the colder months. We know how important it is for kids to have opportunities to play and be active, and we’re thrilled to see them take advantage of these moments.

Dance lesson

We had a blast during our dance class this week! We got to use the parachute and make a tunnel, which was both fun and challenging. Everyone was laughing and having a great time while we danced and worked out at the same time.

今週のダンスクラスはとても楽しかったです! パラシュートを使ってトンネルを作ったりしましたが、それは楽しくもあり、挑戦的でもありました。 私たちがダンスをしたり、同時にトレーニングしている間、誰もが笑って楽しい時間を過ごしていました。

Visitors from Nagano Nishi High School

We had the pleasure of having two students from Nagano Nishi High School in Aurora class this week, and it was a memorable experience for everyone involved. The kids had a blast interacting with them in English. The energy level from our Aurora kids was through the roof!

今週は長野西高校から二人の学生さんをオーロラクラスに迎え入れ、思い出に残る経験となりました。 子どもたちは英語で楽しく交流していました。 オーロラの子供たちのエネルギーレベルは桁外れでした。

Christmas show opening and closing songs

I want to share the opening and ending songs we will use for the Christmas show. If you have time, you can have fun singing together at home too!

クリスマスショーで使用するオープニングとエンディングの曲を共有したいと思います。 お時間がある時に、お家でも一緒に歌って楽しんでください。

Opening song (Let It Snow)

Closing song (Feliz Navidad)

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!


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