Hello parents! Today was the first day of International school of Nagano(ISN) in Nagano city! Everyone got used to their new environments and starting having fun with their new friends. We also practiced saying “help please” and “thank you”. Everyone was able to do it!
I’m very impressed by everyone knowledge and behavior!
They also enjoyed playing outside today in our own playground.
The teachers blew bubbles and all the kids had fun trying to catch the bubbles!
今日はインターナショナルスクールオブ長野(ISN)長野キャンパスの開校日でした!みんなが新しい環境に慣れ始め、新しい友だちと遊んで楽しい時間を過ごしました。英語で「手伝ってください(Help, please.)」や「ありがとう(Thank you.)」と言う練習も始めました。みんな、上手にできていましたよ!