
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow May 13-17

Hello everyone!


This has been yet another sunny and exciting week here at the international school of Nagano (ISN)!
And since the weather has been so nice, we had the chance to play outside in our own playground!
Everyone is really active and loves playing outside!




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We also went to the park!


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This month we have been, and will be, learning different animal names.
We played a game with the children where they had to guess the animal after listening to the sound it makes. When they picked the correct one, they had to say the name animal.
Everyone did a great job!



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As always, everyone enjoyed gym class this week too! This time we learned how to do a forward roll and walking backwards.

みんな大好き、Gym class(体操の時間)もありました。




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This week our music teacher had a quiz for our students. They had to look at different flashcards and say the name of the fruit or vegetable. Everyone did a good job!

今週のMusic class(リトミック)は、先生からのクイズでスタートしました。


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Our precious nursery class students are always excited for snack and lunch time. Good job everyone eating all your vegetables! After lunch they go to bed and take a well-deserved nap.


スナック、ランチの前には「Snack(Lunch), please.」と大きな声で言えるようになってきました。

どのお友達も、野菜もモリモリ♪好き嫌いなく何でもよく食べることができています。Good job everyone!

そして、給食のあとには3歳児クラスのお友達と一緒に、毎日Nap roomで午睡をしています。

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They are just 2-years old, but if someone is sad the others are quick to comfort them! They give each other hugs, hold hands or play together. Everyone is becoming good friends!


悲しくなって泣いてしまうお友達がいたら、お互いにハグし合う姿も見られます。How sweet♡

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We are continuing to practice our English conversation.
The kids are now saying “Here you are” when they give something to one of their friends.
The student receiving the gift will respond with “Thank you”, and then finally the giver will say “You’re welcome”.

This week we also started practicing saying “My name is…”

We made a wall with the phrases we are able to say.


相手に何かを手渡すときは「Here you are.」、受け取ったら「Thank you.」、それに対して「You’re welcome.」と、子どもたち同士で、自然と英語で会話を交わす姿も多く見られるようになってきました!




Thank you everyone for doing you best everyday! I look forward to another great time next week!

今週も、どのお友達もみんなとってもよく頑張りました!Great work everyone!!

皆さま、素敵な週末をお過ごしください。See you on Monday♪

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow May 13-17