
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora September 9th – 12th

Hello Aurora families!


We have had another fun week at ISN!



We started off this week by playing outside. Students had the choice of playing in the sandpit making castles, playing on the playground with their friends, or playing soccer and tag with balls and even their teachers! Everyone enjoyed themselves, and played with many of their friends!

今週も外遊びを楽しみました。砂場で遊んでいる子は、砂のお城を作りたい!”Help me please.”と上手にお願いして先生にバケツをひっくり返してもらっている子もいました。砂場の外では、ボールを追いかけたり先生を追いかけたり。押し車で歩いたり滑り台で遊んだりと体をたくさん動かして遊びました!

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Next we had a very fun gymnastics lesson. We started our lesson by stretching our legs, arms and backs. After that, we ran some fun races. On one side of the room, there were three balloons. We had to crawl like a baby, crawl like a bear, jump like a rabbit, and even get held by our teachers to cross the room, and hit as many balloons as we could! It was a very fun and special lesson, as our friends from Rainbow class joined us! Everyone had a great time, and was very active!


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After that we had another fun swimming lesson! Everyone has made amazing progress since our last lesson! This time, we practised crawling on a platform, jumping towards our teacher, putting a sticker on a big piece of foam, and finally wetting our heads with some water. Amazingly, everyone was able to put their whole heads under the water! Well done Aurora!


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Lastly, we had another exciting music lesson. We started off by listening to some beats and clapping our partner’s hands corresponding to the number of beats. After that we rolled some balls back and forth according to some other beats. We moved around the room when we heard the piano, and did it with our partners again. Next we walked around the room, singing London Bridge is Falling Down, trying to end the song by standing in some hula hoops. Finally, we hopped around the room singing Little Froggy. It was a great lesson!


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Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora September 9th – 12th