
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora October 7th – October 10th

Hello Aurora families!



We have had another fun week at ISN!



At the end of last week, we celebrated our September birthdays. We had one September birthday in Aurora. We started off the party with some interview questions about our special friend. Next, we all sang Happy Birthday. After that, we practised playing some musical instruments along with some of our songs we have been singing. Next, we sang some of our new Halloween songs we have been practising. Finally, we danced to some of our favorite songs. Everyone had a great time, and happy birthday September student!


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This week, we had the chance to go to the park! The weather was very nice, so we walked very well to and from the park. Popular activities included playing on the playground, chasing and being chased by our teachers, and most popular, swinging on the swing set. Aurora did a great job playing with and helping their younger friends in Rainbow class. Well done Aurora!


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Next we had another exciting gym lesson! We started off by stretching our arms, legs and bodies. After that, we practised jumping, using some hula hoops. We set out the hula hoops like a hopscotch board, and called out numbers for the students to jump to. Using one leg as well as two legs, the students were able to improve their jumping skill, as well as their counting skill! Next we worked on our sideways and forward rolls. After completing a roll, students carried a small ball from one end of the class to the other, improving their balance and coordination. Lastly we split into two teams, and had a race, moving a small ball from one end of the line to the other by moving it between our legs and over our heads. Everyone did a great job, and got some good exercise!


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After that we had another fun swimming lesson. We started off by stretching, and then once in the pool, we got used to the water by kicking our feet in the water. Next we did a circuit where we swam on a platform, jumped to our teacher, and swam back to the start. After that we practised sticking our heads under water by walking under a low hula hoop. We also tried to guess what colored ball our teacher was holding up under water by opening our eyes under water. Finally, we swam the length of the pool by using a kickboard, with help from our teacher. Everyone had a blast!

今週のスイミングレッスンです。まずはいつものバタ足練習、そして先生が作る大波小波や大雨に耐え、水が顔にかかったら「ぱ!」と言うことで水を払う練習です。次も、いつものサーキット。今回は台の上を歩いていき、先生のいるところにジャンプで飛び込み、プールサイドに手をつきながらジャンプしてスタート地点に戻ります。台が離れて溝ができたときは、向こう側の台に向かって勇気を持ってザブン!オーロラさん、これはすっかり上手にできますね。次は、水中にあるフラフープをくぐる練習です。お水が顔にかかるのが怖い子には、ものすごい勇気が必要ですが、どの子も逃げずに頑張り、みんなフープをくぐってくることができました!みんなすごい!…と思っていたら、次は水中で目を開ける練習でした。先生が水中で出したボールの色を水中で目を開けて何色かあてるという活動です。これはハードルが高そう…というこちらの心配をよそに、オーロラさん、しっかりと色を当てることができました!Good job! 最後はビート板でバタ足の練習です。ビート板を持つとみんな安心しますが、ここでは「腕は伸ばして顎はビート板に載せる」という難しいポイントが。それでもがんばって何回もバタ足で往復しました。このところそうですが、レッスンごとにできることがぐんぐん増えているオーロラさんたち。一年が終わる頃にはどんなことができるようになっているのでしょうか、とても楽しみです。

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Lastly, we finished off the week with another fun music lesson. We started off by using some of our “tools”, including a hammer, saw and heavy logs to move around the classroom while listening to some different music. We had to match the rhythm and tempo when using our sticks to mime the correct action. After that we practised using jingly bells for the first time. We will keep practising with these, as we will use them for our upcoming Christmas Show! Next we clapped along to the bouncing ball, trying to match our claps with the ball’s bounces. Finally we walked around the room with hula hoops, and sang London Bridge is Falling Down, going down in our hula hoops when we heard “falling down”.

今週のリトミックでは、先週のように棒を金槌やノコギリ、丸太などの道具に見立て、音楽に合わせて道具を使い、お家を建てていきました。大きな木を切るときはゆっくりと、細かいところを切るときはノコギリを細かく動かすように、音楽に合わせて道具を動かす速さを変えていきます。テンポをよく聞いて、音楽に合わせて上手に棒を動かして、大きなお家を作ることができました!今週は、リトミックで初めて「すず」を使いました。これはクリスマスショーに向けて練習をしていく第一歩。まずは「(左利きの子はいないので)お茶碗を持つ方に鈴を持つ」、「お箸を持つ手でここ(手首のあたり)を叩いて音を出す」練習をします。これをクリアした後は、鈴を2回だけ鳴らす練習です。”リン、リン!” 終わりの音が揃うと、とっても綺麗です♪ クリスマスショーに向け、これから練習を続けていきたいと思います!

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Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora October 7th – October 10th