
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Let it snow! (January 6-10)

Hello everyone and happy new year!
Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and had a relaxing new year.
It was great to see everyone’s faces again, along with some new ones!


Fun with snow!

For the first time this winter we had some real snow here in Nagano city!
We couldn’t let this chance slip us by, so we put on our warm jackets and headed outside.
Everyone was excited to play with the snow and had a lot of ideas on how to play with it.
We made a lot of different things with the snow. Snowballs, snowmen, cakes and food made out of snow, castles were just some of the tings the children made using their imagination. Others also had fun using shovels to shovel the snow away.


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We had a blast in our first gym class of 2020! After our usual warm we started the lesson by going from across the room in different way. First we crawled, then we jumped as bunnies and finally, we rolled across the room. Both alone and in teams holding hands. After that we sat up a fun little obstacle course with ropes. They had to jump over some ropes on the floor, and then balance across one laying on the floor;
Finally, the kids got to throw some newspaper balls. They had to stand behind a line and try to throw them inside a box on floor.


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Swimming lesson

As always, everyone was really excited to go back to the pool again.
We started off the lesson by holding some rings and pretending they were a steering wheel. The kids then walked across the platform in the water. They also had to crawl through a hoop the teacher was holding. We also collected balls floating in the pool and put them in a hoop at the edge of the pool. Finally, we collected sticker from the edge of the pool and stuck them onto a big float the teacher was holding.


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We started this week’s music lesson by talking about different animals and the sound they make. The teacher had a fun book with pictures of the animals that she used. The kids guessed all the animal names, and were even able to make the correct sounds!
After looking at a few different animals, we used the castanets to practice our rhythm. The teacher would play different music on her piano, and depending on the music they had to walk around the room or stand still and use the castanets in rhythm to the music.
Finally, we sang “Ten Little Indians” while clapping in rhythm to the song.

リトミックでは動物の名前とその音節を感じてみました。先生の持っている動物の本をみて、動物の名前とその音の数を当てました!次にカスタネットでリズムを練習です。先生の演奏する音楽をきいて、歩くのか、止まるのか、カスタネットを使うのか、考えて動きます。みんな音楽をよーくきいて、上手に反応しました!最後はTen Little Indiansを手をたたきながら歌うことができました♪今週も音楽とお友だちになったレッスンとなりました。

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Monthly song

This month’s song is called “Little Snowflake”.
It’s a nice calm song that everyone enjoys singing, so please try signing it together at home too!

今月の歌は、”LIttle Snowflake”です。しっとりした素敵な歌で、お友だちはみんなこの歌を歌うのが大好きです。よろしければおうちでも一緒に歌ってみてくださいね♪

Thank you so much for reading, and you again next week!


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