
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Family month (February 03-06)

Hello everyone!

We had a very special week here at ISN’s Nagano campus. This week we welcomed even more friends into our Rainbow class!

Birthday party

We had a very fun birthday party for two of our students at the school. And on of them was one of our students in Rainbow. Congratulations on becoming 3 years old! We started the celebrations by a short interview of the birthday kids in front of everyone. Then they were handed a nice birthday card by their homeroom teacher! Afterwards, we all sang happy birthday together. And as a special treat, two of our teachers put on a production of The Tortoise and the Hare.

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Music class

We had another fun music class this week!
We started the lesson by looking at flashcards of a few different animals. We then said the name of the animals while clapping in rhythm to the sound. The teacher then used a balloon to show the difference in shape and feel the balloon takes as it inflates and deflates. We ended the lesson by standing in a ring holding hands. The teacher would play some music, and we pretended to be balloons by shrinking down and standing up high. All while holding hands with their friends!

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Monthly theme

This week’s monthly theme is “Family”. The kids already know a lot of family words in English, but this month we will be talking more about the concept of families and learning about the different family members. The goal is being able to describe all the family members in their own family. (mommy, daddy, brother, sister, uncle, grandma etc.)

As always, thank you for reading and see you again next week!

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