
Nagano Preschool


Pool Open Day! (Nagano Aurora February 25th-27th)

Hello Aurora families!

We have had another fun, shorter week at ISN

We started off this week with a fun gym lesson. We knew that it was going to rain for most of the day, so we were lucky enough to have gym class outside before the rain came. After stretching our upper and lower bodies, we ran around to get our hearts pumping. Our gym theme for February has been rugby, so we started off with some passing drills. We formed three lines, and each line had to run forward and pass to another line before the end of the space set out. After that, we played a game where 4 students stood at the corners of a square, and one student stood in the middle. The students on the ends had to keep the ball away from the student in the middle. Finally, we practised kicking by doing some kicking games. We learned how to do a dropkick, and took turns performing a dropkick. We aimed for our teacher’s body (50 points) or some hula hoops our teacher was holding up on either side (1,000,000 points). Nobody got the ball through the hoop, so nobody scored 1,000,000 points, but one student managed to score a body shot, and got 50 points! Better luck getting 1,000,000 points next time everyone!

Next we had another great music lesson. This week, everyone had their pianica, so we got to have lots of time practising! We started off by reviewing the Do, Re and Mi sounds using our picture book, as well as some flashcards. After that, we got out our pianicas and set them up. We started by playing the Do note several times using our thumbs of our dominant hand. After playing the note continuously, several times rapidly, and even in some short patterns, we swapped to practising the Re note. We used the same hand as before, but switched to using our index finger to play this note. We had to be careful not to play the two notes together! Finally, we cleaned up our pianicas and put them back into their cases. Everyone is getting more comfortable playing their pianicas!

[envira-gallery id="73177"]

Finally, we had our Pool Open Day! After changing into our bathing suits and stretching our bodies, we showered and headed into the pool. We started by doing a circuit involving running along the platform, jumping into the pool, and then jumping around the edge of the water. After that, we grabbed some rings, and pretended we were driving a car across the width of the pool. Once we had done that, we put the rings on top of our heads, and crossed the width of the pool. Next we used kickboards to cross the pool, sometimes kicking our feet, and other times propelling ourselves forward and then coasting. Finally, we slid down a slide made out of the two platforms, and showered off before changing back into our clothes. Thank you to everyone that came to watch us, especially with the snowy weather! We really enjoyed seeing you there!

Thank you again everyone, and see you next time!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Pool Open Day! (Nagano Aurora February 25th-27th)