
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Rain rain go away! (June 8-11)

Hello everyone!

It has been another fun week here in Rainbow class here at ISN.
The rainy season has not hit quite yet, so we have been enjoying the nice weather while we can!

Fun in the sun

As mentioned earlier, we have been enjoying the nice weather by going to the park. Unfortunately, the slide has been too hot to use, but there are still a lot of fun to be had!
The swings are always very popular, and the kids have to learn how to be patient while they wait for their turn.

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How long can you hang?

For our gym class this week, we introduced the pull-up bar!
For our first lesson the kids had to try and hang from it for 5-10 seconds.
I was very impressed by everyone’s strength!
We also used the big ball again to help develop their gross motor skills.

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Learning with songs

We have continued to learn about our different body parts this week too.
Last week we covered the body parts from the song “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”.
We also introduced a few new parts this week, namely chin, fingers, arm, leg, stomach (tummy) and foot.

We introduced a new fun song that focuses on exactly these body parts. The song is called “One Little Finger”. Another good song that we have been singing is “BINGO”. These two songs keep the kids engaged by having them point or pat the different body parts.

We also had fun coloring pictures of the cute characters from the song “One Little Finger”.  While they color, we talk about what they are coloring and the colors they are using.

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Monthly song

As the title suggests, we have been singing “Rain Rain Go Away” everyday in hope that we will get some better weather! The song is really popular in class, so you might already have noticed some of your kids singing it at home!
これから雨が多くなる季節ですね、そこで少しでもお天気が良くなるようにみんなで”rain rain go away”を歌っています。雨が降ってると自然と歌いだすお友達もいます。既にお家でも歌ってるお子様がいるかと思います、今度は一緒に歌ってみてください。

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

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