
Nagano Preschool


Polar Animals! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star July 13th-16th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

This week, we continued our Unit of Inquiry theme, and learned about some more interesting animals!


Our current Line of Inquiry is “We share the world with animals”.

現在のUOIのテーマは “We share the world with animals”です。

We have previously learned about Sea Animals, as well as Desert and Savannah Animals.


This week we learned about Polar Animals!


First, we used flashcards to learn the names of the different polar animals.


After that, we took turns placing cutouts of these animals onto our world map. We learned that Polar Animals live at the top or bottom of the world. So, if we didn’t know exactly where the animals lived, we could guess either top or bottom, and our teacher would help us find the correct answer.

その後、大きな世界地図を使いその動物がどこに生息するか、そして習慣を学びました。 北極、南極に生息する動物は世界地図の上と下に生息する事を知りましたね!そして、どの動物が北極にそして、南極に生息するのかを推測し先生から正しい答えを教えてもらいました。

Next, we discussed why the different polar animals have similar coloured fur/feathers. Many animals were white, which allowed them to blend into their surroundings, allowing them to hunt more successfully, or to evade predators. To illustrate this, we created three different types of terrain – the polar areas in Summer, Autumn/Spring, and finally Winter. We then placed the different animals into which time period they would be best camouflaged in.

次に、なぜ 北極、南極に生息する動物は似たような毛皮や羽をもっているかを話し合いました。沢山の白い動物は狩りがしやすく、もしくは捕食動物から身を守るため周りの白い物に調和しているんですね。それを説明するために、3種類の地形を用意してアクティビティをしました。1つ目は夏の北極と南極、2つ目は春と秋の北極と南極、そして3つ目は冬の北極と南極です。そして、その3つの地形のうち、どの動物がどこで最もよくカモフラージュできるかを動物のカードを用いて確認しました。

Finally, we learned how these animals keep warm. We learned that these animals use either warm fur, feathers or fat to stay warm in very cold temperatures. We played a fun game to test whether we could live in these cold places. We tried to keep our hands in a bucket of icy water for one minute. It was very difficult, as only a handful of students could accomplish this, and only one of our teachers was successful (guess which one)!


Overall, we learned a great deal about Polar Animals, and had fun doing so!


Thank you very much, and see you again next time!

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