
Nagano Preschool


Can we swim? Yes we can! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star September 7th – 10th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!


We have had another fun week at ISN!


This week we have been working on wrapping up our second unit of our Unit of Inquiry lessons.


The teachers have been ensuring that students have understood our different Lines of Inquiry through various methods.

それぞれの Lines of Inquiry (キーコンセプト)をどのように皆さんが理解しているか色んな方法を使って見させて頂きました。📚✎

The lines of inquiry are : We share the world with animals, Animals help us and We help animals.

Lines of Inquiry (キーコンセプト)は We share the world with animals, Animals help us and We help animalsです。

One example of this was when we watched some videos from our field trip to a local dairy farm.


Students were asked questions about this visit based on what they saw in the videos. Example questions included how the farmers cared for the cows, facts and figures about the diet of the cows, and whether cows were dangerous to humans or not.


After this, we reviewed the names and characteristics of some farm animals by playing a game. Students had to match a common farm animal to its footprint. Students played detective with their teacher, asking questions about the footprints in order to figure out the matching animal.


Everyone did a great job, and we will continue finishing our unit in the next few weeks. みなさんよく頑張りましたね、そして来週もまとめをしていきましょうね☆彡

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Also this week we had some great swimming lessons at our local sports club. そしてスポーツジムでのスイミングもしました。🏊

First we took the bus from school, washed our hands as soon as we got to the club and finally changed into our swim suits.

バスで スポーツ ジムまで行き、着いたら早速入口で手を消毒です。そして水着に着替えました。

Once changed, we stretched our bodies and showered before entering the water. 着替え終わるとストレッチ、そしてシャワーをしてプールへ入りました。

Aurora class is still working on getting more comfortable while in the water. They performed games such as fetching rings in the water, crossing the pool in a variety of different ways and finally getting their heads and faces wet for longer periods of time.


Shooting Star is working on swimming independently. They performed activities such as swimming across the length of the pool using a kickboard, staying underwater for five seconds and even floating on the surface of the water with the help of their teacher!


Everyone did a great job swimming, and it was a great way to cool off with this warm weather!


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Thank you very much, and see you again next time!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Can we swim? Yes we can! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star September 7th – 10th)