
Nagano Preschool


Introducing Magic Words! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star October 12th-15th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

This week we continued our Unit of Inquiry lessons for Unit 3.


To remind everyone, our Transdicplinary theme is “How we express ourselves”, our Central Idea is “We can show our feelings in different ways”, and our current line of inquiry is “Using words”.

探究テーマは “How we express ourselves” です。「どう気持ちを表現するか」です。探究内容は “We can show our feelings in different ways” 「感情は色んな方法で表現できる」です。😀😁😂😐😪😥🥰

In our lessons this week, we reminded ourselves of the different emotions we learned about last week, introducing a new poster students can point to if they do not know the word for their feeling yet.


New this week, we introduced our magic words! These are words and phrases that students can use to either show their positive and negative feelings, as well as use helpful phrases that would make their teachers happy.


For example, some of our phrases include “Please”, “Thank you”, “I will help you” and so on.

例えば”Please, Thank you, I will help you”などです。☆彡

We discussed different scenarios students might want to use these phrases, and why it is good to use these phrases.


Students also learned about some rewards they can earn when they use these phrases, which will be discussed in future blogs.

マジックワードを使うとクラスのデコレーションの1つになるあるものを得ることができます!💖😁🥇 今後のブログで詳しくお話致しますね😉

Finally, our teacher even demonstrated some real magic, in order to show us the power of using magic words!


We look forward to hearing lots of magic words from now on!


[envira-gallery id="90979"]

Also this week we had our swimming lessons at our local sports club!


Once there, students changed into their bathing suits, stretched their bodies and showered off before entering the water.


For Aurora class, activities included transporting stickers from one end of the pool to the other, splashing their arms and legs in the water, and even swimming with their heads under the water with the help of their teacher!


Shooting Star class worked on keeping their heads under the water for longer periods of time, swimming the length of the pool using kickboards while kicking their legs, and new this week, having their teachers throw them forward into the water, making a giant splash as they entered!

Shooting Starはビート板を使いバタ足をして泳ぎました。水を怖がっていた皆さんはどこに行ってしまったのでしょう❓最後にインストラクターがプールの中へ皆さんをジャブーンと投げ入れて 🌊🌊🌊 大きな水しぶきをあげて楽しみました😁😁😁😁

Both classes did a great job, and there are many students who can move independently in the water!

AuroraさんもShooting Starさんも1人で泳いでみたり、泳ごうとトライしてみたりでとても頼もしいです。😍🥰とても頑張りましたね💖💜

[envira-gallery id="90998"]

Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!

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