
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – November to remember (2-5 November)

Hello everyone!

From what I heard from our wonderful Rainbow kids; it seems everyone enjoyed their day off this week. The week here at ISN, has also been full of smiles and laughter!

Birthday party

We had a big birthday party for one of our students who turned 3 years old in October.
We started the party by a short interview from their teacher.
The teacher asked “How old are you?” and the student replied with “I’m three years old”.
She also received a birthday card from her teachers, which she proudly showed off to everyone!
Then, we all sang the happy birthday song and loudly said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

After the birthday song, the teacher performed a puppet show of the story “Little red riding hood”.
When the wolf came out, our brave students loudly shouted “Go away!” to try and help poor little red riding hood.

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Classroom lesson

New alphabet letters

In the month of November, we will be focusing on recognizing and the phonics of the letters “Q”, “R”, and “S”. We talked about the letter “Q” this week, and ended the lesson with an activity.
The kids had to find and circle the letter “Q” on the whiteboard amongst multiple other letters.
Everyone did really well, and was able to circle the correct letter! Good job everyone!

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Swimming lesson

We had another very fun swimming lesson.
The lesson started by repeating last lesson’s fun alligator walk across the platforms.
Next, we made a fun water slide! The kids slid down the slide to the teacher waiting for them.
Lastly, we used pool noodles to make some fun water trains! The teacher, along with two kids, held on the pool noodle and cruised around the water together. I could easily tell everyone loved it from their big smiles!

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