
Nagano Preschool


Already March?! (Nagano Aurora March 2nd-5th)

Hello Aurora families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

We started out the week with another fun gym lesson. We had some amazing weather, so we went outside to play some rugby. After running some laps and stretching our bodies to warm up, we got into the rugby. So far, we have practised catching, kicking and passing the balls. We used all of these skills when we played mini rugby games. We started off by doing a 1v1 game. We set up an area, and an end zone where we had to score. One student had hold of the ball, and had to run past the other student to try to score by touching the ball to the end zone. If students scored, or were tagged by their opponent, they swapped roles. After everyone had a turn in each position, we upped the game to a 2v2 game. We had the same rules, but this time students had to pass the ball if they felt like they were going to get tagged. Finally, after everyone had a turn, we finished off by going for a cooldown run and some stretches. Everyone is really enjoying playing rugby, perhaps inspired by the recent World Cup!

Next we had another lesson about animals. This time, we started off by watching a video about the different groups we can place animals into, such as beasts of burden, animals that provide us products etc. After watching the video, we made our own list of animals that fit these different criteria. Our main task of this lesson was to decide which animal(s) we thought were most useful, and draw a picture of them being useful. Finally, students had to share their drawings and ideas with the rest of the class, and even answer some questions from their teacher/other students. Everyone had some great ideas, and very unique answers!
今週の”Sharing a Planet”のUOIでは、引き続き動物についてを探求していきました。動物のビデオを鑑賞して、人間に何かをしてくれる動物などについてを学びました。このレッスンでは、どの動物が一番usefulだと思うか、を決めてその様子を絵に描きました。その絵を他のお友達と共有し、アイデアの交換をし、質問をしあいました。みんな素晴らしいアイデアを出したりユニークな回答をしたりすることができました。

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Finally, we finished off the week with another fun music lesson. We started by using flashcards to spot the Do, Re and Mi sounds. After that, we practised using our castanets, in a call and response game with our teacher. She would play a rhythm on her castanet, and we had to mimic what she did using our castanets. After we had done several increasingly difficult patterns, we got out our pianicas. We unpacked them from their cases, and set up the hoses. We first started by playing the Do note, using our dominant hand’s thumb. We alternated between playing one long note, a series of notes, and 3 notes back to back to back. Once we had performed all of these for the Do note, we moved onto the Re note, using our dominant hand’s index finger. We performed the same tasks for the Re note, and once we were finished, cleaned up our pianicas, and put them back into their cases. Pianica progress is coming along nicely, well done everyone!

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Thank you very much, and see you again next time!

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