


Back Again After Golden Week! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star May 11th-14th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We hope everyone had a fun Golden Week!

Over Golden Week, we assigned our students some homework. Students had to create pictures of their family, as well as their favourite TV show and food. Thank you to everyone that did a great job with their homework!

We started off this week by using our homework we completed over Golden Week. We took turns presenting our homework to our classmates. Students practised using some English sentences. Students practised saying “This is my family”, “My favourite TV show is…..” and finally “My favourite food is…..”. These are useful sentences to use in English, as especially the last two can be used for stating favourites for many different topics. Once the students had presented their homework to their classmates, their classmates had the chance to ask questions. This improved the students listening skills, as they had to listen to the presenter, as well as their critical thinking skills, as they had to think of a good question to ask. Well done everyone, keep up the great work!

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Next we continued our theme of learning about what we like and dislike. For this lesson, we planned what we would bring on a picnic. First we brainstormed some common items that people bring with them on picnics. We came up with many answers, and our teacher supplied us with some answers we did not think of. Next, our teacher gave us a sheet with a picnic basket on it. We coloured the picnic basket, and after that, our teacher gave us some pictures previously cut out from magazines and newspapers. We attached these pictures of food, toys, drinks and other fun items that we liked onto our sheets using glue. Some students also drew pictures using crayons of the things they wanted to bring on their picnic. Finally, we took turns presenting to our classmates what we would bring on our picnics, using the English sentence “On my picnic, I like to bring………..”, and filling in the blanks with the items we chose. Well done everyone, this activity made your teachers hungry!

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Finally we had another fun music lesson! Aurora practised listening for melodies and rhythms. When our teacher played fast tempo songs, the students ran around quickly. When our teacher switched to slow music, the students walked slowly. We also pretended to be different animals – fast steps for a chipmunk, and large slow steps for an elephant. Shooting Star first made flowers using sheets, and sang the song we have been practising, “Flowers are smiling”. Next we reviewed the Do Re Mi and Fa notes on our pianicas, and this lesson practised the new So note. As always we made sure to clean our pianicas after use. Great job everyone!

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Thank you all, and see you again next time!

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