


Better Understanding Feelings! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star October 19th – 22nd)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

For our Unit of Inquiry lessons, we are continuing working our way through Unit 3 of our program.


To remind everyone, our Transdiciplinary Theme for this Unit is “How we express ourselves”, our Central Idea is “We can show our feelings in different ways”, and we are currently working our way through our first Line of Inquiry, “Using words”.

探究テーマは” How we express ourselves”です。探究内容は“We can show our feeling in different ways”です。そして1つ目のLine of inquiryは”Using words”です。

For our lessons this week, we started by reviewing what new emotions we have learned about.


Next we chose a subset of emotions, and had a class discussion about situations that may make someone feel that emotion.


Once we had a better understanding of some of the emotions, and what situations could cause them, we completed a series of worksheets to demonstrate what we had learned.


Aurora class had to cut and paste cartoon characters that were either happy, sad or angry into their appropriate worksheet.

Auroraのお友達はあらかじめ色んな表情が描かれている切り抜きをHappy, Sad, Angryそれぞれ正しい感情のワークシートに貼っていくアクティビティをしました。✂📝

Shooting Star had to draw pictures of situations that might make them feel the different emotions.

Shooting Starのお友達はAuroraのお友達と同じ感情のワークシートに自分でHappy, Sad, Angryのシチュエーションを想像し、いつどんな気持ちになるか絵を描いて表現をしました。📝🖍

Finally we performed a role play of different situations that would lead to different feelings.


We split into groups of one Shooting Star and one Aurora student, and had several minutes after receiving our emotion in order to plan out our role play.

The groups performed role plays that ranged from rubbing their stomachs after exercising to show hunger, to jumping up and down when going to Disneyland to show excitement.

ボディラングエッジを使い、 Hunger の時はお腹をさすってみたり、 Excitementは”Let’s go to Disneyland!”と言ってジャンプしたりして表現出来たお友達もいましたね😁🧡

Everyone did a great job, and learned about many different emotions, and the situations that might cause them.


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Also this week we had another fun music lesson!


We have been working hard preparing for our Christmas show in both classes.


Aurora class worked on travelling around the room, matching their body movements to the rhythm from the piano our teacher was playing. Aurora class will be playing some bells for their Christmas performance, so worked on playing their song. Students practiced their timing and volume on the bells, ensuring that if they made a mistake, they did not get discouraged. Great job Aurora!

Auroraのお友達は先生のピアノのリズムに沿って歩いたり走ったりスローモーションになってみたりしました。クリスマスショーですずとカスタネットを使用する為、みんなで合わせて音を出すタイミングの練習をしています。手拍子では出来るお友達も楽器を持つと少し難しくなりますよね❓😥 でも大丈夫❣もっと練習して素敵なクリスマスショーにしましょうね😉

Shooting Star class also had fun moving around the classroom, adding in playing some tambourines to match the rhythm their teacher was playing. Shooting Star then transitioned to playing their pianicas. The students are very skilled at playing their notes, often not needing to look at their sheet music. So, we worked on ensuring our timing was correct, making sure nobody played too slowly or too quickly.

Shooting Starのお友達は先生がピアノで弾くきらきら星に合わせてタンバリンを叩いたり振ったりして教室を歩き、リズムを確認した後にピアニカのレッスンに入りました。みなさんもう楽譜なんて要らない❣といってセットをしなくなりましたね😆😮あとはみんなで心を①つにして早くなりすぎず、遅くなりすぎず、丁度いいスピードで合わせて演奏が出来るように練習ですね。🎶🎵

Both classes are sounding very good, and we already can’t wait for our Christmas show!


[envira-gallery id="92213"]

Thank you very much everyone, and see you again next time!

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