


Countdown to Golden Week! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star April 27th-30th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

We started off this week by continuing our theme of learning about Our Bodies. So far we have learned the names of many of our body parts, drawn pictures of ourselves using these body parts, and even measured our arms and hands. This week, we measured our legs! We have been talking about our similarities and differences, so this served as a great way to show empirical evidence to the students that we had differing leg sizes. We got into pairs, with one Shooting Star student helping an Aurora student to measure, and then record, the lengths of their legs. Once we had recorded all of our results, we expressed our results using a bar graph. We were able to identify who had the longest legs, who had the shortest legs, and even compare leg sizes between girls and boys, Shooting Star versus Aurora, and even between our friends and ourselves! Everyone did a great job, and collected some very interesting pieces of data!

今週はIBで探究を進めている体の部位について学びました。体の部位の名前、そして手のサイズ、腕の長さは既にクラスで話し合って来たので、今週は脚の長さを測りました。類似点と相違点を単元に話し合い脚の長さを比べることによりお友達との違いを目で見て確かめ合うことが出来ました。まず、Shooting StarとAuroraの子ども達でペアになり長さを測り、記録し棒グラフで測定結果をまとめ、誰が一番長いか短いか、男の子と女の子で比べたりと楽しいデータを作ることが出来ました。

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Next we had another fun gym lesson! We were lucky to have some of our absent classmates join us via the computer this time! We started off by stretching our bodies, and jogging in order to warm up our muscles. Next, we used one of our favourite books, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, and moved around the classroom like each of the animals listed in the book. We crawled like a bear on our hands and feet, flapped our wings like a yellow duck and red bird, and even jumped around like a green frog. Next, we performed a series of aerobic exercises within our circuits. We first used our balance to walk along a long balance beam. Next, we used our balance and agility to walk along different sized stepping stones, trying not to fall off in each activity. Finally, we used the techniques we have learned in gymnastics class to do a forward roll on our mat. Everyone worked very hard, and got a great amount of aerobic exercise!

次は楽しいジムレッスンをしました。今回はパソコンのZoomを使い登園を自粛してくださっているお友達も一緒に参加をして行いました。ストレッチをして筋肉をほぐし、子ども達が大好きなBrown Brown What Do You See?の本の動物を参考にそれぞれの動物に…クマは地面を這い、アヒルと鳥は腕で羽を作り羽ばたき、カエルはクラスの中を音楽に合わせて跳び跳ねました。


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Finally we had another great music lesson. Aurora practised listening to rhythms in their music class. Using hula hoops, we pretended to be trains. Depending on whether our teacher played a fast rhythm or slow rhythm, we matched that by moving our bodies slowly or quickly around the classroom. When our teacher stopped playing the piano, we had to stop our bodies, which helped us learn about pauses in music. Shooting Star continued playing our pianicas – first we reviewed the sounds and finger placement of the Do, Re and Mi notes. Next we learned about the Fa note, including what it sounds like, where to place our fingers and which finger to use, and even playing a sequence of 3 and 4 notes in a row. Everyone had a great time in their respective music classes!

最後にみんな大好きなリトミックの授業です。Auroraのお友達はリズムのお勉強です。フラフープを使い電車ごっこをしました。先生が奏でるピアノのスピードに合わせて電車のスピードを変えて運転しました。そして先生がピアノの演奏を止めたときは電車は駅で停車をしなければならないので、動いていた体を一時停止して楽しみました。Shooting Starのお友達は引き続きピアニカの演奏をしました。まず、ドレミの音と指の位地の確認をし今回はファの音のお勉強をしました。ファはどんな音がするか、どの指を使って演奏するかです。最後に3つの音と4つの音を連続で演奏しました。みんなで楽しいリトミックの授業が出来ました。

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Thank you everyone, and have a great Golden Week! See you next Thursday!

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