
Nagano Preschool


First Pianica Lesson! (Nagano Aurora February 10th-13th)

Hello Aurora families!

We have had another fun and slightly shorter week at ISN!

We started off with another fun trip to the pool! After riding on the bus and getting our swimsuits on, we stretched our bodies, and then showered off before entering the pool. We started with some kicking exercises to get used to the water, and after we were all ready, we practised moving in the water by bringing a set of stickers from one end of the pool to the other. Next, we practised crossing the pool, pretending we were driving cars, piloting boats and even acting like fish! After that, we performed a circuit, moving across our elevated platform, jumping into the water near our teacher, and jumping along the edge of the pool back to the start. Then, we worked on swimming using some kickboards. With the help of our teachers, we crossed the pool, trying our best to propel ourselves forward using our own kicks. Finally, our teacher dumped some plastic balls into the water, and we had to scramble to put them back into the bucket she dumped them from. Everyone did a great job, and amazingly, some students were even swimming on their own this lesson! I am excited to see everyone’s progress during our next lesson!
今週のスイミングでも大きな成長をしたAuroraさんたち!プールサイドでのバタ足や水中でステッカー運び、動物さんになっての水中歩行、頭までざぶん!のジャンプする練習のあとバタ足の練習です!手と肩で三角形を作り顔を中に入れる練習、そのまま水に5秒浮いてみる練習、プールサイドでのバタ足練習、を経て、ビート板を持ってバタ足をする練習です。最初はコーチに足を動かしてもらっていた子も、回数を重ねると一人でバタ足で進みます。ビート板がなくても、手足を動かして泳げる子までいます!このところ凄まじい成長を遂げているAuroraさんの泳ぐ様子は、参観日でご覧ください!最後は水中玉入れで水の中をぐるぐると動き回り、たくさん体を動かしました。Good job everyone!

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Also this week we had a new kind of music lesson! After greeting our friends, we looked at our teacher’s book, trying to find the picture that started with the correct letters. We found pictures that started with “Do”, “Re”, and “Mi”. After that, we practised singing these notes – Do, Re and Mi, making different sounds for each. Finally, we started playing our pianicas. We learned how to take them out of their box, how to attach the hose, and how to place our hands on them. We played the Do and Re notes on our pianicas several times. Finally, we cleaned our pianicas and put them back into their boxes. It was a great lesson, and I am sure we will be playing lovely music very soon!

[envira-gallery id=”71969″]

Thank you very much, and see you again next time!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / First Pianica Lesson! (Nagano Aurora February 10th-13th)