


First week of 2020! (Nagano Aurora)

Hello Aurora families!

Happy 2020! Did everyone have a relaxing break? Hopefully everyone was able to spend some quality time with their families!


We have had a great first week back at ISN!

We started off the week by playing outside! We had some snow on the ground leftover from our Winter Vacation, so students had fun playing with it! Before playing outside, we discussed some rules for playing in the snow – no running, no throwing, and no rolling around on the snow. We re-purposed our sandpit toys into snow toys, and also got to play with some snow shovels! Everyone had a great time, despite the cold weather, and we are hoping it will snow again soon!


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After that, we had another fun gym lesson. Our focus for the month of January will be on building our strength, so after we stretched our bodies, we performed exercises targeting specific muscle groups. We worked our upper body by performing jumping jacks, pushups and mountain climber exercises. We worked our lower body by performing forward lunges, making sure that we went low to the ground and kept our bodies straight. Finally, we worked both our upper body and lower body by stepping on our stepping stones, while holding some heavy weights in each hand. Everyone did a great job, and by the end of January, will have some bigger muscles!


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Next we had our first lesson in our new 3-month lesson plan. For the next three months, we will be learning about how humans and animals share the Earth, noting that we have a symbiotic relationship with many animals. In our first lesson, we investigated where different animals live, where people live, and the differences and similarities with these answers. Finally, we created our own farm, noting the types of animals we wanted on our farm, what we would give the animals, and what they would give us in return. We will keep exploring how we can share the planet with animals in future lessons.


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After that we had our first music lesson of the new year. We started off by saying hello to our teacher and classmates, and then went straight into our first activity. Our teacher would show us a picture of a kind of fruit, and we would state the name of the fruit, as well as clapping along to its syllables. After we had repeated this for five or so fruits, we stood up and moved around the room. When our teacher finished playing the piano and held up a fruit picture, we would answer by clapping, and repeat the process. After that we looked at a picture book, with groups of three pictures. We had to identify the picture that started with “Re”, and clap along to its syllables. Finally, we practised singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm, working on a new pattern – clapping our hands twice, then clapping our hands on our knees twice. This new rhythm was a bit difficult, but with more practice, we will be naturals!

リトミックでは、引き続き音節数に合わせて体を動かす活動をしています。先生が示す果物の名前とその音節の数で手を叩いたり、それを音楽に合わせてやったりの活動をしました。また「レ」から始まる三つの絵がある絵本を使い、その言葉の音節数を考えながら手を叩きます。外出先の待ち時間にもできる簡単で楽しい活動です。今月は”Old MacDonald Had a Farm”を、手と膝を2回叩く新しいパターンで歌います。最初は難しくても、繰り返すことで新しいことができるようになってきます!

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Finally, we were very lucky in Aurora class to receive a very generous donation of toys. After a demonstration of how to play with the assorted puzzles, games and dice, we had several opportunities to play with our new toys this week. A very heartfelt thank you for this Christmas present, the students have already identified their favorites, and enjoy playing with the toys very much!

さて、オーロラさんでは、クリスマスプレゼントとして、たくさんの本やおもちゃ -いくつものパズル、ゲームやサイコロ- のご寄付をいただきました!折につけ、子どもたちが喜んで遊んでいます。寛大なご寄付を賜り筆舌に尽くせないほどの感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。子どもたちのために有効に使わせていただきます。誠にありがとうございました。

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Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!


TOP / 長野プレスクール / First week of 2020! (Nagano Aurora)