


Learning about Likes and Dislikes! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star May 25th-28th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

We started off the week with another fun Unit of Inquiry lesson. We are continuing our theme of learning about Likes and Dislikes. For this activity, we were looking at two pictures from a range of categories such as food, places and paintings, and stating which picture we liked better. Everyone was able to participate, and many students showed great Communication skills by being able to identify the reasons why they liked each picture. Finally, we compared different categories to each other, such as by class, gender, and degree of enjoyment to each picture. Everyone did a great job, and showed great understanding of our topic!

今週も引き続き好きなもの好きでないものをIBのキーコンセプトにし探究致しました。活動として、2つの違った写真を使い、どちらか一方に絞りそちらが好きかを発表していきました。写真は、ハンバーガーと寿司、山とビーチ、田舎と都会、そしてダビンチの絵画とピカソのユニークな絵画です。Shooting Starのお友達そしてAuroraのお友達どうしてその写真が好きなのかしっかり理由を教えてくれました。「i like sushi, because i like salmon roe and tuna!」「i like mountain, because i like to ride my bicycle!」等、コミュニケーションをとるのがとっても上手になりましたね!

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Next we had another fun outside gym lesson! We started off by stretching our bodies, and jogging to get warmed up. First we performed a fast-foot activity, where our teacher laid out a set of hula hoops, and we had to run through them all, by placing our feet inside each hoop. Next we set out four coloured cones. Our teacher would call out a pattern for us to follow, such as Blue, Purple, Yellow, Green, Blue, and we had to follow that pattern by running to each cone in order. Finally, we played a game of leapfrog. In pairs, one person would run a certain distance and then crouch down. Their partner would run up to them, and jump over their bodies, being careful not to land on the downed person. Then the pair would switch roles, and repeat the process until they were back at the start line. Finally, we cooled off with frequent water breaks, as well as enjoying some water sprayed from the hose.

次は楽しいジムのクラスを外で行いました。ストレッチ、ジョギングをして 始めました。最初のアクティティは列に並び真っすぐ置いてあるフラフープの中に片足ずつ入れて早く最後のフラフープまで走りました。次に4つの色のコーンを用意し先生が言ったコーンの色へ走りました。「Blue!」「Purple!」「Yellow!」「Green!」と先生は色を早く言うので動くのがなかなか大変でした…。最後に2つのチーム分かれて馬跳びをしました。スタートラインからフェンスまでペアになったお友達と馬跳びをしてタッチして折り返してゴールまで馬跳びをしました。お友達を潰さないように友達の上を跳びこすのは少しチャレンジでした。お水休憩も頻繁にとりました。沢山のアクティティをしてのでクラスの最後にホースで水遊びをしました。

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After that we had a second Unit of Inquiry lesson. Again talking about our theme of what we like, for this activity we interviewed our partners, and found out what they liked. We started the lesson with a quick role play, where our teacher asked for volunteers, and did some sample interviews, in order to show us what was expected of us. Next we got into pairs and groups of three, with each group having one older student to act as a guide. Students took turns asking what their partners liked, and when they heard an answer, they drew a picture of the food, animal, place etc. Everyone showed great communication skills in identifying things they liked, as well as great listening skills in hearing their partner’s answers. Great job everyone!


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And finally we had another fun series of music lessons. Aurora clapped along to the syllables of different fruit cards, keeping time with a metronome. We also practised walking and matching our footsteps to the sound our teacher made using a wooden gong. Finally, we finished off with another rendition of our song Flowers are Smiling, waving our cloth flowers around to the music. Shooting Star also used a metronome to say the syllables of the fruit cards, but went very quickly! We also reviewed our Do Re Mi Fa and So notes, and finished off with a rendition of Higeji-san. Shooting Star performed the final crescendo very well, as they had to move their fingers very quickly! Great job everyone!

最後は大好きがなリトミックのクラスです。Auroraは音節に合わせて手拍子をしました。「り・ん・ご」「す・い・か」「ば・な・な」「と・ま・と」そして次にメトロノームのスピードに合わせて行いました。メトロノームがゆっくり動くときは簡単でしたが、早くなるにつれてだんだん難しくなっていきましたね。その後は床に置いてある線の上をカニさんの様に横歩きをしました。先生がウッドブロックを同じテンポに叩きそのテンポに合わせてカニさんになって歩きました。最後はおなじみ「お花が咲いた」を英語で歌いました。Shooting StarはAuroraと同じくメトロノームのスピードで音節に合わせて手拍子をしました。でも、1つ違うのがスピードです!声に出して先生のフラッシュカードを言いながら手拍子して、そしてメトロノームのスピードに合わせるのは楽しかったけれど、とても難しかったです。最後にピアニカでド・レ・ミ・ファの復習をしました。「トントントントンひげじいさん」を演奏し、クレッシェンドも上手にできました。どんどん指の動きが早くなって来ましたね!よくできました。

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Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!

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