


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Aurora!

Merry Christmas Aurora families!

We have had a very fun and festive week at ISN!

At the end of last week, we had our Christmas show. Aurora teamed up with Rainbow class to sing some Christmas songs, play some Christmas instruments and even perform a special Christmas play. Everyone tried their best during the Christmas show, and thank you everyone for coming and sharing such a special event with us!

We started off the week by making some Christmas cards for our families! When asked, most of the students admitted that they had not yet made a card for their families, so everyone was happy to have the chance at school. With the help of our teacher, we spelt out the words we wrote down in our card. After sounding out the words, our teacher wrote them one-by-one on the whiteboard, and we copied them into our own cards. We repeated this for each word we used, and when we were done writing, we had the chance to decorate our cards with Christmas pictures, as well as our own ideas. Once everyone finished, we took turns sharing our cards in front of the class, talking about the different pictures we drew, and why we drew them. Hopefully the cards made it home in one piece, as everyone worked very hard on them!

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After that we had a Christmas-themed gym lesson. At the start of the lesson, we discovered a note from Santa Claus, challenging us to improve our Santa skills. Through different games and activities, we were better able to understand how Santa gets physically ready for Christmas. We started off by breathing in and out deeply, while saying Ho Ho Ho, just like Santa. Next we warmed up our bodies by doing some jumping jacks, while singing Jingle Bells. Our first activity was a team relay race. We set out some presents, and each team had to take turns running and fetching one of the presents and bringing them back to their team. After that we set out some cookies (hula hoops) and milk (bottles of coloured liquid), and students had to run and eat the cookies, and drink the milk. Next we worked on making a snowman in teams once again. We would take turns rolling a small ball across the room, eventually becoming a big giant ball, which we would then have to roll back. Finally we got into a snowball fight with our elves, where we would have to dodge the snowballs thrown at us, and return a throw back toward our teacher. Everyone had a great time, and was full of festive spirit.

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Next we had a lovely swimming lesson. After riding on the bus, getting changed and stretching our bodies, we showered off and jumped into the pool. We started by kicking our feet, from a sitting position, as well as from on our stomachs. After that we rounded up some plastic balls, putting them into a big bucket. Next we performed a circuit, walking along the platforms, jumping into the water, and jumping around the edge of the pool back to the start. Then we put some rings on the bottom of the pool, diving down underneath the water to retrieve them. Lastly, we brought some stickers from one end of the pool to the other, sticking them onto a giant piece of foam our teacher held. It was a great swimming lesson, and we were the only people at the pool, which made it even more special!

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Finally we had another great music lesson. We started off by naming our favorite fruits, including bananas, apples and even grapes. After that we would clap along to the syllables of the fruit, eventually walking around the room while our teacher played the piano. Then we each received a hula hoop, and based on the melody our teacher played, either a fast tempo or slower tempo, we would bang the hula hoop on the ground along with the rhythm of the piano. Finally, we played with a giant piece of cloth – with every person holding a different section of the cloth, we would move the cloth up and down, again matching the rhythm played by our teacher on the piano. Everyone had a great time, especially with the cloth, which was a huge hit!

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Thank you again everyone! Have a great New Year, and see you all in 2020!

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Aurora!