


Nagano Aurora – Animals in our environment (19-21 July)

Hello everyone!

It was a short, but fun week this week. We finished our first line of inquiry (LOI), had fun playing with the water outside, and went to the pool for our swimming lesson!

UOI (People’s actions impact animals)

Our first LOI for unit 2 has been “Animals in our environment”. We have been focusing on animals that it’s possible to see here in Nagano, or Japan too for the ocean habitat. For the last few weeks, we have created four habitats by sticking animals to our habitat posters. This is was our last lesson for LOI1, so we had a formative assessment. This assessment is a way to see how much we have learned, but also serves as a nice review lesson for everyone!
ユニット2の最初のLOIは、「身の回りの動物たち」です。私たちはここ長野で、あるいは日本の海で見られる動物たちについて学んできました。最初は、農場、そして川/湖、山/森、最後に海の生息地にどんな動物が住んでいるのかを話し合いました。それぞれの生息地のポスターにそこに住む動物の絵を貼り付けて、4つの生息地を作成しました。今週は、LOI1の最後のレッスンなので、”formative assessment”を行いました。この評価は、私たちがどれだけ学んだかを確認する方法ですが、また子どもたちにとって振り返りのレッスンとしても、とても役立ちます。

We took down most of the animals from the habitats, put them in a basket, and shuffled them around. Then, the kids came up, like they have done in the previous lessons, and picked an animal from the basket. After introducing the animal, they found, they had to choose the correct habitat to stick it on.

I was happy to see that our students could remember the animal and habitat names, but even more happy that everyone chose the correct habitat for their animals! Way to go Aurora!


This week, the teacher brought in a special book from his country, Norway. The book is called “Karius and Baktus”, and is about two little trolls that live in your teeth. They live in the mouth of a boy called Jens, and grow stronger every time he eats sweets. They build houses in Jens’ teeth and causes a lot of tooth ache!
今週、先生は母国「ノルウェー」から特別な本を持って来ました。ノルウェーの人ならばきっと誰もが知っている絵本だそう。その名も「KARIUS og BAKTUS(カリウスとバクトゥス)」甘いものを食べるのが大好きなイエンスくんの口の中で、楽しく暮らしているのがカリウスとバクトゥスのふたり。甘いものをイエンス君が食べると、ふたりは大喜びで家づくり(虫歯づくり)を始めるのです。そして、たくさんの痛みを引き起こすのです!!

The book was written by Thorbjørn Egner. It first came out in 1949, and was later adapted in to an animated puppet movie in 1955. It is very famous in Norway, and is used to teach kids the importance of proper dental care.

Here is a small clip from the animated movie!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you are all having a wonderful summer break! Stay safe in the heat!

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Aurora – Animals in our environment (19-21 July)