


Nagano Aurora April 10th and 11th

Hello Aurora families!

3,4歳児クラス オーロラの保護者の皆様、こんにちは!

We have had an exciting first two days of International school of Nagano.

今週から長野市のインターナショナルスクール オブ 長野(ISN)が開校しました。この二日間、オーロラの子どもたちはワクワク楽しい時間を過ごしました。

On Wednesday we had our Welcome Ceremony! The students did a great job answering “I’m here” when the MC called their names.

今週の水曜日には、待ちに待った入園式がありました!どのお友達もみんな、司会の先生に名前を呼ばれたあとに、「I’m here!」と元気にお返事ができました。

After the Welcome Ceremony, we went into Rainbow class(2 years old) and played with Rainbow class members and read more stories.


On Thursday we started learning about the days of the week, the months of the year, different colors and the weather. The students enjoyed talking about the recent cold and wet weather! We made many new friends, and spoke about how to set a good example for the younger children at school.


After that, we learned about our new classroom. We explored the different areas of the room. After that, we drew some pictures that will decorate the classroom. We drew pictures of ourselves, our family and things that we enjoy. We used many different colors!


Before lunch, the weather became sunny, so we had the chance to play outside on our new playground. The students had fun climbing, sliding, running around and even playing with bubbles!


Thank you everyone, and see you soon!



TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Aurora April 10th and 11th