


Nagano Aurora – Going to the zoo! (26-30 July)

Hello everyone!

Our summer program has started! That means we will not have any UOI, gym or music lessons during this time. Instead, we had a lot of fun playing in the pool, making crafts, playing games, and we even took a trip to the zoo! We also have a very special guest during the summer program. One of our former students from our Rainbow days is staying with us this summer!

Shaved ice crafts

Nothing says summer more than shaved ice here in Japan. Keeping with our summer theme, we made our own shaved ice using paper and paint! Everyone got a colorful paper cup. To make the shaved ice, we crunched up some paper and out it in the cup. For the syrup, we had a selection of colorful paint. The students could freely walk around and the paint of their choice to their paper!

Water crafts and play

Except for a few unfortunate rainy days, we have been able to play in the pool almost everyday this week! We used one our rainy day to make some buckets that we could use in the water. The kids used different colored tape to decorate empty milk cartons. To complete the bucket, we attached a nice blue string to use as a handle. The kids had a lot of fun using their buckets in the pool, and found many creative ways to use them!


This week’s letter is O!

We always start our phonics lessons by talking about the sound and who in the class has an O in their name. The kids managed to find all the O’s in the names of their friends in Aurora class! We also looked at flashcards of things starting with the letter O.
いつも通り今週のアルファベット「O」の音をみんなで学び、そしてクラスのお友達の名前の中にその週のアルファベットがあるお友達を探すことから始めます☺子どもたちは、オーロラクラスのお友達の名前の中で、すべての「O」を見つけることができました。そして、「O 」から始まる単語をみんなで学びました。

We finished the lesson by doing a few different worksheets and coloring pages to reinforce what we had talked about.

Monthly song (Ponyo)

This month we have been singing Ponyo everyday at the end of day. I’m sure some of the kids have been singing it at home as well! Here are the lyrics that we have been singing:

Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, fishy in the sea
Tiny little fishy, who could you really be?
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, magic sets you free
Oh, she’s a little girl with a round tummy

[Verse 1]
Tip, tippy toe, jump, jump, and hop
Now that I’ve got my legs, I cannot stop
Pat, paddy pat, waving hello
Come and hold hands with me, dancing we go
My feet are skipping, my heart, too
Happy happy are we all!
Maybe I might love you, maybe I might love you
So hold on tight and hold me close, you’re my hero

Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, fishy in the sea
Tiny little fishy, who could you really be?
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, magic sets you free
Oh, pretty little girl will you swim back to me?

Now you can sing it together at home too!

If you have been curious about how the kids are singing in class, please take a look at our energetic kids singing Ponyo!

Fruit basket game

Even though we don’t have any time specifically dedicated to our UOI lessons doesn’t mean we can’t incorporate it in our playtime as well!

We played the fruit basket game using the habitat we had just learned. The teacher hung one of the habitats around their neck. They then picked one animal from the habitat poster on the wall and stuck it to the habitat around their neck.

After playing the game, they put the animals back on to the correct habitat poster on the wall.

Field trip to Johyama zoo

We had a very special field trip to Johyama zoo this week! Our current UOI’s transdisciplinary theme is “Sharing the planet”. We are talking about how we share our planet with animals, and how we take care of each other. Going to the zoo is not only a great chance to see animals, but we can also see how they are being taken care of by the workers there.

Before going to the zoo, we had a discussion about what kind of animals we wanted to see there. The kids drew the animal they wanted to see on a piece of paper, and stuck it to a poster.

Good job🤩!! さらに、帰りのバスの中では、Sea lionはうんちをするのかな?とまた新たな疑問を持ったお友達もいました☺

It was a very hot day, so the first thing we did when we got to the park was having a nice drink in the shade. We then took a nice walk around the zoo looking at the animals. We tried to stay in the shade as much as possible, and had another drink break after our quick tour around the zoo.

Our final animal was the sea lion! And we were lucky enough to have one of the workers at the zoo talk to us about the animals and how they take care of them. He also showed is how they feed the sea lions!
そして、最後にSea lionのお世話を担当している高田さんにSea lion についてのお話をききました。城山動物園には男の子と女の子の2頭のアシカがいること、体の大きさのこと、泳ぐ速さのこと、アシカに似ている動物は?違いは?そして、どんな食べ物を食べているのか。これは、みんな当たりだったね🤩どんな食べ物をたべるのかな?とみんなで話し合ったときに「魚!Fish!!」と言っていたみんな。正解!Well done🤩

Can they tell you all the animals they saw? How about the English name of all the animals they saw? Please ask them at home!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Aurora – Going to the zoo! (26-30 July)