Hello Everyone!
The much awaited event of the season is here…The Christmas Show!!! Finally…It’s show time.

Don’t you think that it’s usually more challenging if you do things for the first time?!, since you don’t have any experience you are therefore either even more nervous, or you are generally just unsure of yourself and of things, and because of that there’s a greater need of overcoming. That is how it was with our Christmas show. The Big Turnip was truly a memorable experience since its the first time ever for the Aurora kids to act and do a play, the kids had to overcome their shyness, their nervousness and they had to brave the big stage. For this little first timers it took a lot of courage to do a show.
The kids learned a lot of things during this Christmas show journey, the whole production thought the kids to be more patient, disciplined, be more responsible, be aware and to try new things.They learned the meaning of the word the show must go on. They tried to keep their 3 little show promises which were 1. To keep their eyes on the teacher 2. To speak with a loud voice so they can be heard, and lastly 3. Is to smile all the time, Just have fun and enjoy themselves. This journey taught them to believe in themselves and that they can do the show too.
オーロラさんたちは、このクリスマス・ショーをとおして多くのことを学びました。この劇全体を完成させるにあたって、もっと忍耐強く、規律正しく、責任感を持ち、自覚を持ち、新しいことに挑戦することを学びました。そしてショー・マスト・ゴーオンという意味も学びました。みんなとは3つの約束を守ってくれました。1.先生から目を離さないこと 2.みんなが聞こえるように大きな声で話すこと、 そして最後に、、、3.いつも笑顔でとにかく楽しむこと。今日までの経験は、彼らに自分自身を信じること、そして自分にもショーができるということを教えてくれました。
So I would like to say congratulations to the kids. A job well done for they mastered their fears, they overcame and gave what they could for you their family. I’m so proud of all the Aurora kids not just during the actual show but for all the times that we did the practice too. Your hard work and patience paid off…You did it! You are all awesome! BRAVO! 👏 🎉 This is just the beginning for these bright little stars, so Keep shining!
だから私は、オーロラさんたちにおめでとうと言いたいです。恐怖を克服し、家族のためにできることをやり遂げるという大仕事をやり遂げたのだから。本番だけでなく、練習も頑張ったすべてのオーロラさんたちを誇りに思います。君たちの努力と忍耐は報われた! みんなすごいよ!ブラボー!まだまだ小さなスターたちが明るく輝きはじめたばかり、これからも輝き続けてね!
I would also like to extend a heart felt Thank you to the parents for your wholehearted support, you are the reason the kids are working hard. They wanted to give you their best performance, so mommy and daddy will be happy.
Again THANK YOU! Have a great weekend. Kudos to everyone who made the show possible and a success.
Here are some snapshots of the kids behind the scenes