


Nagano Aurora – The consequences of our actions (30 August – 3 September)

Hello everyone!
We are finally back with our first full week in a while! We have learned more about the consequences of our actions in our UOI lessons, played outside in the pool, returned to our gym lesson and more! So, it has been a jam-packed week of fun!

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the planet
Central idea: People’s actions impact animals
Line of inquiry: How our actions affect the environment

We continued and finished up our second LOI this week. We have been talking a lot about good actions and bad actions in previous lessons. To build on that knowledge we started talking more about the consequences of those bad actions.

The consequences of our actions

The lesson began with a review of our good and bad actions posters on the wall. I was glad to see that the kids already understand the difference between the good and bad actions. This lesson we wanted to talk more about the consequences of the bad actions. We used the phrase “What will happen?” when we talked about the consequences.

We looked at the pictures and videos from this article titled “How littering hurts animals”.
For each picture or video, we had a discussion about what we were watching.
Please give it a look if you are interested.

Next, we did a worksheet where the kids had to match the actions with the consequences. We asked the kids what they think would happen if we did the bad actions. Our bright kids came up with some good answers! “What will happen if we put oil in the water?” we asked. To which we got an answer “Fish die!”.

Freddie the fish

For this lesson, we wanted to give the kids a better idea of what can happen to the animals if we are not careful with how we treat our environment. To achieve this, we read the story of “Freddie the fish”. The story is about a fish called Freddie that one day decides to swim downstream and explore the river he lives in. On the way he the water gets more and more polluted by various different pollution.

To make it more visually stimulating and engaging, we used a fish shaped sponge to demonstrate the effects of the pollution happing in the story. We had 8 different “pollution” that we poured into the water Freddie was floating in. As the story went on the water eventually turned black, and Freddie was no longer visible!
より子どもたちにわかりやすく興味を持ってもらうために、魚の形をしたスポンジを使用して、フレディが浮かんでいる水に 物語の中で起こっている8種類の「汚染」を実験しました。話が進むにつれて、水がやがて黒くなり、そしてフレディの姿が見えなくなりました。

After the demonstration, we had a discussion about what we learned from the story.

Formative assessment

Since the kids already have a good grasp of the difference between good and bad actions, we decided to focus the assessment on the consequences of bad actions.

Each student got a picture of either an action or a picture of the consequences of an action. The teacher called up one of the students to the front of the class. He then asked them about the picture they were holding, and what would happen/what caused it. Then we asked if who had the matching card. The student with the matching card then came up and was asked the same questions.

They then stuck their picture to a poster on the wall. We wrote down their comments next to the pictures, and asked if anyone else had anything else they wanted to add. We continued this process until we had filled out the poster with our pictures and thoughts.

In the afternoon circle, we reviewed the lesson and had another discussion about what we learned in our second LOI.

Gym lesson

We finally returned to our gym lesson after a long time! The lesson was full of fun, and the teacher introduced some new activities. We did a bear walk across the mat by walking on our hands and feet at the same time. Next, we did a crawl by using only our arms while keeping our legs stretched. Finally, we did a wheelbarrow exercise! The teacher held their legs as they used their hands to walk across. Of course, this was no problem for all our strong Aurora kids!

Grandparents’ crafts (Part one!)

We all really appreciate all the nice grandparents out there who always help our students. And I know for a fact they love their grandparents too! With the upcoming “Respect for the Aged Day” coming up, we wanted to make something nice to show their love for their grandparents.

This week, we did the first part of our crafts. This included folding a big piece of paper 4 times to make a square. The teacher first demonstrated how to fold it nicely, so they could try their best to fold it without any help.

Next, they had a wonderful selection of paint colored water on the tables. They were instructed to dip one of the corners in the color of their choice, and count to 3 to let it soak into the paper. Then turn the paper and repeat the process with whatever color they wanted. Some of our students got very excited and dipped the paper into many of the colors, totally soaking the paper! And the result? A wonderful and original design!

We dried the paper on a big blue sheet. We gathered around all the papers and were amazed at all the colors. The students looked very proud of their own paper, and excited to see what their friends had made too!


This week’s letter is S!

We had a very fun phonics lesson this week. We started it by looking at some flashcards containing pictures and words starting with the letter S. We repeat each word many times, and sound out the letter carefully each time.

After the flashcards, we had a special game! We had a big mystery box. The students had to put their hands in to the box and pull something out. The teacher asked the kids: “What do letter does this start with?”. We had a table set up in front of the whiteboard. On the white board there were several letters next to each other. The student had to find the first letter of the item, and then place it on the table in front of the right letter. Everyone had a lot of fun learning and reviewing our phonics with the game!
過去の「P Q R」のレビューも兼ねて、ミステリーボックスの中から飛び出してくる名詞はどのアルファベットから始まるのかをみんなで発声しながら当てていきました。
次は、2つのチームになり伝言ゲームです。導入した単語をセンテンスにして、後ろの人へ伝えていきます。「It’s a skirt.」「They are sunglasses.」

Finally, we used coloring pages of things starting with “S” to reinforce what we have been learning.

Monthly song (This Friendly World)

You may have noticed your kids starting singing a new unfamiliar song since Wednesday. That’s because we started singing our new monthly song! This month’s song is called “This Friendly World”. It was originally recorded by an artist called Fabian in the late 1950’s. It is, however, more known for a cover version comedian Andy Kaufman did of it in 1979.
今月の歌は…「This Friendly World」です。もともとは、1950年代後半にFabianというアーティストによって録音されました。ただし、1979年にコメディアンのAndy Kaufmanがカバーバージョンを作成したことでよく知られています。

The song has a nice message for our young learners, and I’m surprised how fast they were able to memorize some of the lyrics. Good job everyone!

The original version of the song is a little slow paced, so we have been using this version of the song. Please have fun singing together at home!

Fun with clay!

As a way to expand our vocabulary, we have been looking at opposite words.
This week, we focused on the words: Full/empty, long/short and tall/short.
We used clay so that the kids could make examples of the words we learned.
The difference between long and tall might be a little tricky to grasp, but they all did a good job making many shapes and talking English while playing with the clay.
今週は、 Full/empty long/short tall/shortに焦点を当てました。子どもたちが学んだ言葉をより理解するために、粘土を使いました。長いものと高いものの違いを理解するのは少し難しいかもしれませんが、粘土で遊びながら学んだ単語を話し活動できたよい機会でした☺

Outside play

The weather is gradually cooling down, which means it’s possible to actually play outside again! Because of the COVID level, we can’t go to the park, but we have a lot of fun playing outside in our schoolyard. Playing in the sandpit, kicking the ball to each other, chasing our friends, using the slide. Oh! What fun! Of course, we remember to take a lot of drink breaks.

Some of the kids were also interested in picking vegetables from the school garden!

Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week!

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