Hello Everyone!
Trick or Treat! This weeks much awaited event HALLoWeEN DaY! It’s finally Halloween Hooray!!! We would like to thank everyone for joining in the fun.
It’s so nice to see the kids in their cute costumes. We are so grateful to you the parents for the support. We hope everyone had a ‘Spooktacular’ time.
トリック・オア・トリート! 今週は待ちに待ったイベントHALLoWeEN DaY!いよいよハロウィンですね!たくさんの方にご参加いただきありがとうございました。
子供たちのかわいいコスチュームを見るのはとても嬉しいものです。保護者の皆様、本当にありがとうございました。みんなが 「Spooktacular 」な時間を過ごせたことを願っています。

We continued with our UOI 3 journey, we’ve discussed in class that’s its ok to feel different emotions, what’s important is how we handle and or express our feelings. We learned that we should STOP! and take a breath, and think that everything will be alright. If we have big feelings like feeling scared, nervous, sad and or angry. We discussed in class that being mean or hurtful in actions and in words is not ok. We learned that we can talk calmly and we can ask teachers help too.
私たちはUOI 3の学びの旅を続けています。クラスでは、様々な感情を感じてもいい、大切なのはその感情をどう扱うか、どう表現するかだと話し合いました。怖い、緊張する、悲しい、腹が立つなど、大きな感情を抱いたときは、一旦立ち止まって息を吸って、大丈夫だと思うこと。私たちはクラスで、行動や言葉で意地悪をしたり、傷つけたりすることはよくないということを話し合いました。落ち着いて話し、先生に助けを求めることもできることを学びました。

Here are some videos that we watched at class that’s related to our UOI 3. This videos help kids learn more about feelings.

To a dear brave friend
You came as a stranger, you left as a dear friend. I would like to send a heartfelt farewell to a dear little friend who is now off to her next adventure. It’s sad to see you go (we didn’t even see you as planned) You are brave, wacky, friendly, curious, active and super sweet. I will miss the morning hugs that you freely give me, and your warm smile. We will miss you sooo much. We hope to see you again. We love you! We are so thankful we are friends and thank you for your gifts. We will treasure them.
This song is for you.
Thank you for reading our blog this week.