


Nagano Aurora – We can help animals (6-10 September)

Hello everyone!

It has been another fun week here in our energetic Aurora class! We have started our new LOI, continued our fantastic grandparents craft, had fun in our gym and music lessons, and had a lot of fun singing and playing together.

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the planet
Central idea: People’s actions impact animals
Line of inquiry: Ways we can help animals in our community

Prior knowledge assessment

It’s the start of a new LOI, and that means we need to assess how much our student already know about the topic. Our third, and final, LOI is “Ways we can help animals in our community”. The teacher asked the students if they could think of any ways to help animals. We wrote down all their thought on white board. Then we watched this video:

After the video we continued the discussion and was able to think of some more ways to help animals. We also used the good actions poster that we made in our first LOI to get some more ideas. Everyone had to say at least one way they felt was good for the animals. If it was too difficult to think of anything by themselves, their friends or the teacher helped them so they could think of an answer by themselves. We put all their comments on a poster that’s on display in the classroom.

Who helps the animals?

In our next lesson, we talked about what kind of jobs we have that helps animals. First the students got a chance to think before the teacher showed them a presentation. The presentation included both pictures and videos of the different jobs. We discussed how each job help the animals before and after watching the videos.

Veterinarian role-play

What better way of learning something than through play and having fun! We want our young learners to have empathy for other living creatures. To show our caring side, we role-played as veterinarians for our last lesson this week. Each student got a patient checklist where they had to fill in what animal they were treating, what was wrong with the animal, and what treatment they wanted to give. There was no right or wrong answer, and the kids were encouraged to use their imagination!
遊びや楽しみを織り交ぜた学びの活動方法は、彼らの探求への意欲を高めます。若い学習者には、他の生き物に共感してもらいたいと思っています。そのために、「思いやり caring」を持って、獣医さんになり動物を助けるというロールプレイをしました。子どもたちは、カルテを一人ずつもらいました。そこには、これから治療をする動物の種類、その動物のどこが悪いのか、そしてどのような治療を施すのかをカルテに記入していきます。正解も不正解もありません🤩子どもたちは、自分たちの想像力を働かせ活動をしていきます。

The students were paired up and given a stuffed animal as a patient. We had a stethoscope, a thermometer, a needle and some medicine that our veterinarians could use to help their animals. For the animals that needed to rush to the hospital, we put to chairs together and pretended it was an ambulance. It was nice to see everyone treat their animals with such care, and sharing their tools nicely with their friends!

Music lesson

We started practicing using the bells in this week’s music lesson. Using the bells is very fun, but can be quite noisy when the teacher is trying to talk. So, before using the bells, the teacher had a special challenge for everyone. The kids had to hold the bells without making a sound while walking around the room. How did they do? Look at the video to find out!

Next, the teacher showed the kids how to follow different rhythms. The teacher held up a big card showing the rhythm everyone had to follow. The “O” meant they have to hit the bell, while “X” means to need to not hit it. We practiced a couple of different rhythms before moving on to the next activity.

After using the bells, the teacher handed out a set of cards. Each card had a different color. The teacher would then play the piano and call out a color. Everyone had to quickly find the correct color and show it.

Grandparents’ craft (Part two!)

It was time for part two of our crafts for all the lovely grandparents! There were more steps that they had to follow carefully this time, so the teacher carefully demonstrated each step of what we had to do. First, we used paintbrushes to put glue to a square piece of cardboard. Then, we took the cardboard and placed it on the colorful paper we made last week. It was important that the cardboard was placed in the middle of paper. For the final step, they hard to put glue on the paper around the cardboard, and then carefully fold it unto the cardboard.  Everyone did a great job, and looked very happy with the results!

Emergency fire drill

We had an emergency fire drill this week. At the beginning of our morning circle, we informed the kids that at any time during the circle time an alarm might sound. The teacher also went over the rules again, and explained the dangerous of fire and smoke. I’m so happy to see that everyone followed the rules very well!

Fun outside

The temperature outside has been changing a lot recently, so we have had both cooler and hotter days. In the cooler days, we have been able to play outside again. It has been a while since we have been able to play on the playground and in the sandpit, so everyone was very excited!

We also had our last day in the pool during a lucky hot day! Goodbye pool, and see you again next year!
そしてプール遊びの日には、幸運にも良い天気に恵まれ、今年最後のプール遊びをみんなで楽しみました🤩 さよなら、プール!そして来年またお会いしましょう☆彡保護者の皆様には、毎回プール遊びのご準備をしていただき、本当にありがとうございました。

Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week!

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